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This 2020 study examined the forest species distribution in the different community types found in the Arboretum. The community types that have been identified in the Arboretum are Oak-Hickory, Mixed Hardwoods, and Floodplain/Early Successional. These community types are based on initial data that was collected in 2010. Forty sampling sites were placed along transects 100 meters from one another. All trees with diameters greater than 2 cm were identified and measured. A total of 4105 trees were recorded.

In the Oak – Hickory community type, Carya ovata and Ostrya virginiana were the most prevalent in the relative density, while the relative coverage was dominated by Carya ovata and Quercus alba. In the Mixed Hardwoods, the species’ with the highest relative density were Aesculus glabra and Ostrya virginiana, while Carya cordiformis and Quercus alba attained the highest relative coverage. In the Floodplain/Early Successional community type, Aesculus glabra and Asimina triloba had the highest relative density, and Juglans nigra and Carya cordiformis had the highest relative coverage. Aesculus glabra, Acer saccharum, and Ostyra virginiana displayed uneven-aged diameter distributions across the study site. Juglans nigra, Carya ovata, and Quercus alba exhibited even-aged distribution across the arboretum. The population of Fraxinus americana has declined due to the effects of the Emerald Ash Borer. The forested area shows evidence of previous disturbance with an even-aged overstory and an uneven-aged understory. The Arboretum is undergoing a plant successional change from shade intolerant to shade tolerant species.


Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Robert Reber

Department: Environmental Science, Public Health, Sustainable Development