Submissions from 2024
Candles and Carols, Greg Dyson, 12-6-2024
Music, Theater, and Dance, Taylor University, 12-4-2024
Brad Smith, Brad Smith, 12-2-2024
Thanksgiving Chapel, Taylor University, 11-25-2024
Wade Frances, Student Body President, Wade Frances, 11-22-2024
Pastor Edelfi Gabin, Edelfi Gabin, 11-20-2024
President D. Michael Lindsay, Michael Lindsay, 11-18-2024
Leadership Round Table, Greg Dyson, Tia Cavanaugh-Goggans, Diana Verhagen, Kelly A. Yordy, Aaron Mingo, and Elizabeth George, 11-15-2024
Keith Ogorek, President of Author Learning Center, Keith Ogorek, 11-13-2024
Emmanuel Kiwizera, Emmanuel Kwizera, 11-11-2024
Pastor Greg Dyson, Vice President Intercultural Leadership & Campus Pastor, Greg Dyson, 11-8-2024
Sing, Pray, Reflect, Taylor University, 11-6-2024
Clinton Faupel, Co-Founder and Executive Director of RemedyLIVE, Clinton Faupel, 11-4-2024
Dr. Honoré Bunduki, Rector of Christian Bilingual University of Congo (UCBC), Honoré Bunduki, 11-1-2024
Pastor Henry Sayon Johnson, Henry Sayon Johnson, 10-30-2024
Brian Dye, Executive Director of Legacy Disciple, Brian Dye, 10-28-2024
Pastor Greg Dyson, Vice President Intercultural Leadership & Campus Pastor, Greg Dyson, 10-25-2024
DeShawn Moore, Radio Announcer and ROGA Winner, DeShawn Moore, 10-23-2024
Sing, Pray, Reflect, Taylor University, 10-21-2024
Bob Mortimer, Bob Mortimer, 10-18-2024
Taylor World Outreach, Jonathan Smyth, 10-16-2024
Pastor Nirup Alphonse, Nirup Alphonse, 10-9-2024
Pastor Greg Dyson, Vice President Intercultural Leadership & Campus Pastor, Greg Dyson, 10-7-2024
Homecoming Chapel - Alumni Award Panel, Taylor University, 10-4-2024
Dr. Carie King, Carie King, 10-2-2024
Pastor Anwar Smith, Anwar Smith, 9-30-2024
Dr. Grace Miller, Director, ECHO North America Impact Center, Grace Ju Miller, 9-27-2024
Dr. Phil Collins, Phil Collins, 9-25-2024
Greta Ehlers, International Trainer for the Feuerstein Institute of Jerusalem, Greta Ehlers, 9-23-2024
Pastor Nate Nupanga, Nate Nupanga, 9-20-2024
Pastor Thomas Stone, Thomas Stone, 9-18-2024
Pastor Ron Williams, Ron Williams, 9-16-2024
Spiritual Renewal - Beth Guckenberger, Director of Back2Back Ministries, Beth Guckenberger, 9-11-2024
Spiritual Renewal - (Evening) Beth Guckenberger, Director of Back2Back Ministries, Beth Guckenberger, 9-10-2024
Spiritual Renewal - Beth Guckenberger, Director of Back2Back Ministries, Beth Guckenberger, 9-9-2024
Spiritual Renewal - (Evening) Beth Guckenberger, Director of Back2Back Ministries, Beth Guckenberger, 9-9-2024
Sing, Pray, Reflect, Taylor Unbiversity, 9-6-2024
Pastor Dan Blosser, Dan Blosser, 9-4-2024
Academic Chapel, Brandon Dykstra, 8-30-2024
Opening Chapel, Michael Lindsay, 8-28-2024