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Societies Have Joint Literary Program -- Taylor Loses a Friend -- Rush Day: Join a Society -- Colonades to Adorn Entrance of Old Building: Gift of Mr. H.C. Miller -- Dr. Paul Honored by State University: Taylor's President Serves Indiana University Extension -- "Small College The Best" Says Dr. Wiley -- Thomas Clark Henderson Comes to Taylor -- Big Sister Movement at Taylor -- Great Interest Shown in First Game -- Prof. O.R. Clutter to Head Chemistry Dept. -- It's Over -- A Parable of Today -- In Season and Out -- Camp Meeting Echoes -- Vital Personalities -- 'His Way' -- World News -- The Automobile at the Railroad Crossing -- "The Uninvited Guest" -- New Student Directory -- Campus News -- Sports Briefs -- New Students Lost to Old 12-11 -- Student Body Elects New Members in Echo Staff -- Did You Know That -- Increase in Fall Registration -- Philos Predict Banner Year Enthusiasm Marks First Meeting -- Soangetaha Debating Club -- Hear Dr. Clancy Sundy at 3:00 P.M. -- Chapel Services -- Prayer Meeting -- Atwater Kent National Radio Audition -- Holiness League Has Wonderful Meeting: Ockenga Preaches Opening Sermon -- Dr. Paul Speaks in Sunday Chapel -- Frank Long to Address Ministerial Association -- Former T.U. Graduate Dies -- In God's Garden -- Prunes and Prisms -- Greater Returns at Taylor -- To the Frosh

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Taylor University


Upland, IN






Education | Higher Education

The Echo: September 28, 1927

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