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“This book was given to Taylor University Archives by Ross J. Mc Lennan, a Taylor graduate who had been in Dr. George Evan’s classes. Dr. George Evans is the father of Dr. Harlowe Evans, who taught at Taylor and also served on the Board of Trustees.” -acquisition note

McLennan entered Taylor in 1937 as a Freshman. He worked in the library and also repaired shoes for people on campus. It is not clear why he has a scrapbook with images from the year 1925. The scrapbook features photos found in the yearbook, so it is possible that he either assembled it with old photos after the date, or (which is more probable) acquired the scrapbook from a previous student or faculty member. The creator was probably tied to the Mnanka debate club, as it is the group most featured in the book./p>

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Upland, IN


Administration building, building and grounds, graves, tombstones, Thaddeus C. Reade, debate clubs, Mnanka Debate Club, Ohio, New York, student organizations, international students, nter-club debates, intercollegiate debates, debates, buildings, heating plant, student life, Holiness League, Prayer Band, Michigan, Magee-Campbell-Wisconsin dormitory, MCW, dormitories, residence halls, photographs


Education | Higher Education

Scrapbook (1924-1925)