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Scrapbook made by Taylor University Student Lucille M. Jones during 1928 through her senior year in 1930. It is a themed scrapbook, formatted under the title “Friendship Memories of School Days” and contains various sections dedicated to specific parts of the academic experience. The scrapbook contains various clippings from Taylor University Publications as well as various mementos and souvenirs taken from campus events. It appears she started the book in 1928 on later pages, ran out of room, and put some of her senior year mementos at the front. Due to the non linear dates on certain pages it can be assumed that she went back and fitted items onto older pages when she ran out of new pages.

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Upland, IN


building and grounds, buildings, campus, campus events, events, administration building, sunken garden, Magee-Campbell-Wisconsin dormitory, MCW, dormitories, residence halls, student life, Samuel Morris Hall, Helena Memorial Music Hall, President’s Home, H. Maria Wright Hall, Central Heating plant, Swallow Robing Hall, Athletic Field, Sickler Hall, Taylor Hymn, School Songs, School Colors, quotes, chapel, post office, tennis, baseball, University Farm, University Greenhouses, athletics, Missisenewa River, Taylor University Band, Taylor University Orchestra, napkins, stickers, souvenirs, mementos, The Echo, Taylor Banquet, banquets, Open House, Philalethean Literary Society, debate clubs, Soangetaha Debate Club, Mnanka Debate Club, literary societies, Echo Staff, Valentine’s Day, recitals, programs, Thalonian Literary Society, Gas City, cars, Marion, postcards, wrappers, tickets, operas, Taylor University Quartette, dried flowers, cards, notes, calling cards, student director, faculty, commencement, graduation, intramural sports, events calendar


Education | Higher Education

Scrapbook (1928-1930)