Parnassus: A Journal of Arts and Letters - Pillars - Zondervan Library - Taylor University | Vol 1984 | Iss 1

Volume 1984 Parnassus


Parnassus, Taylor University’s literary journal which is published annually, consists of poems, stories, and art pieces by Taylor students. The majority of these contributions come as entries in the Parnassus literary contest held each year in January. The winning titles and authors are printed at the first of this journal for the reader’s attention. This year’s contest, in addition to literary entries, included line drawings. The winning drawings by Shawn Swan illustrate this journal. The intention of the editorial staff is to continue line drawing as a category of the annual contest.

To be acknowledged for their fine contribution to Parnassus are the members of the editorial staff—Julie Perez, editor, Lisa Calvin, Rochelle Manor, David Rarick, Teresa Sheffler, and Shawn Swan. Special recognition go to Lisa and Teresa who have served three years on the Parnassus staff and are graduating seniors. Best wishes in your teaching careers! Also, we would acknowledge our judges—Dr. William Fry, Professor Edward Dinse (who even has a poem dedicated to him), and Dr. Ken Swan. In addition, Parnassus would not be possible without the quality performance of Rhonda Gretillat, mistress of the word processor.

The theme of Parnassus this year is drawn from the following excerpt from William Wordsworth’s poem, Tintern Abbey. The divisions of this literary journal are organized around the motifs drawn from various lines of the poem—nature, man, and God. Student poetry is categorized around these universal themes, and the stories are printed at the end of the journal. We are pleased to present to the reader Parnassus 1984.

Once again

Do I behold these steep and lofty cliffs,

That on a wild and secluded scene impress

Thoughts of more deep seclusion; and connect

The landscape with the quiet of the sky.

“Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey”

Full Issue


Editorial Staff
Julie Perez
Lisa Calvin
Rochelle Manor
David Rarick
Teresa Sheffler
Shawn Swan
Dr. Ken Swan


All texts and images copyright of their respective owners.