Parnassus: A Journal of Arts and Letters - Pillars - Zondervan Library - Taylor University | Vol 1985 | Iss 1

Volume 1985 Parnassus


College years, especially in a liberal arts setting, are a time of endless discovery. Students may begin to unveil impressions of God, of the world in which they live, and of their inner selves. Many Taylor University students have captured their moments of enlightenments and reflection through the mediums of poetry, short story, drama, and art. It is a collection of these epiphanies, sudden perceptions, manifested through creative means, that is the content of Parnassus 1985.

Each January, Taylor’s English Department sponsors the Parnassus Literary Contest. Entries are judged by English professors (this year Dr. William Fry, Mr. Ed Dinse, and Dr. Ken Swan). Taylor Student Organization provides prize money which, this year, was awarded to those listed on the previous page. Many contest submissions are then compiled into the Parnassus literary journal. The members of the 1985 editorial staff are Rochelle Manor, Mandy Carpenter, Heather Halterman, Troy Kidder, Dave Rarick, Shawn Swan, and Tina Trisel. A great deal of credit must also go to Dr. Swan, advisor, and Rhonda Gretillat, indispensable secretary and typist. Credit also is due to Doug Holtz for three art drawings and to Scott Swan for the cover design and drawing.

We hope you enjoy Parnassus 1985 and can share with us the joy of exploration and sudden perceptions of God, of the world, and of our inner selves.

Full Issue


Editorial Staff
Rochelle Manor
Mandy Carpenter
Heather Halterman
Troy Kidder
Dave Rarick
Shawn Swan
Tina Trisel
Dr. Ken Swan


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