
Volume 1986 Parnassus


An old man is the persona of T. S. Eliot’s poem “Gerontion”. He reflects upon his life and experiences as his days grow shorter. These meditations are, as Eliot puts it, “a wilderness of mirrors.”

Several students at Taylor University have also looked into the experiences and insights of their lives and have reflected them in the mirrors of poetry and short fiction. This edition of Parnassus is the ground upon which a wilderness of mirrors grows.

Much time and effort has gone into the growth and development of this edition. We wish to thank those students who contributed their works and also Dr. Beulah Baker, Dr. Jessica Rousselow, and Mr. David Dickey who judged the literary contest this January.

I, and the other members of this year’s staff—Mandy Carpenter, Heather Halterman, Troy Kidder, Lorne Mook, and Dave Rarick—wish to extend special appreciation to advisor, Dr. Ken Swan, and secretary and typist, Rhonda Gretillat.

We hope you enjoy Parnassus 1986 and can see reflections of your own experience in this Wilderness of Mirrors.

Full Issue


Editorial Staff
Rochelle Manor
Mandy Carpenter
Heather Halterman
Troy Kidder
Lorne Mook
Dave Rarick
Dr. Ken Swan


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