Volume 2000 Parnassus
letter from the editors
Welcome to Parnassus 2000. Find a comfy chair and pull in for an hour or two with Taylor University’s most talented writers and artists.
This year’s issue brings you not only Taylor’s finest poets, story-tellers, painters, and photographers, but a notable special addition: artists that have made themselves known for outstanding work among the Taylor community. These authors and visual artists are featured in relation to the Ecclesiastes 3 theme to which this issue’s title refers.
As college students, many of us have experienced the spontaneous, youth-defining road trip. The seemingly insignificant events on such trips often define the memories related to the overall journey. While we are suspended here on the earth between birth and our eternal home, we live in a series of “insignificant” events that will later define who we are and what we have learned through our lives. Therefore, it is the pivotal “places in between” that define our journey through life.
May this book help you to reflect on your Places in Between, including the ultimate Word: the map of our journey. We hope that not only Ecclesiastes 3 will bless you, but that the searchings and findings of the authors and artists will cause a thirst in your journey for Truth.
Thank you to the contributors for unlocking their souls; to the featured artists—we admire the work you have done and the standard you have set; to our staff; to the Academic Affairs office and the English Department for their ongoing support of Taylor’s art community; to Jim Kleist and the Educational Technology Center for their technical rescues beyond the call of duty; to Tasha for her artistry under pressure; and to Shelley Dickey for her last-minute proof-reading skills.
Full Issue

- Editor-in-Chief
- Devon Marie Trevarrow
- Assistant Editor
- Brienne Van Conant
- Cover Design
- James Currie
- Tasha Krochina
- Fort Wayne Editors
- Brandy Ford
- Erica Williams
- Poetry Editors
- Kaitlin Allen
- Erin L. Braham
- Fiction Editor
- Amanda Knight
- Non-Fiction Editor
- April Rediger
- Art Editor
- April Rediger
- Website Manager
- Steve Heerdt
- General Staff
- Rachel Algorri
- Renee Aukeman
- Kat Forbes
- Stephen Haynes
- Rachel Martin
- Samantha Jane Schley
- Faculty Advisor
- Rick Hill
- Cover Photographs
- Devon Marie Trevarrow
All texts and images copyright of their respective owners.