The second conference of the Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences, "A Second Conference on the Foundations of Mathematics," held at Wheaton College May 30 - June 2, 1979.
The published conference proceedings were edited by Robert Brabenec.
The ACMS has four purposes for impacting the lives of Christians in the mathematical sciences, each arising from and connected to our mission statement and statement of belief:
• To encourage exploration of the relationships among faith, scholarship, and teaching.
• To promote meaningful Christian interaction and relationships, providing a community in which there is no separation between faith life and professional life.
• To encourage research and writing, especially on topics exploring the relationships among faith, scholarship, and teaching.
• To promote innovative and effective teaching.
Submissions from 1979
Table of Contents (1979), Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences
Introduction (1979), Robert Brabenec
Axiomatic Structure and the Method of Analysis: Shifting Styles in the History of Mathematics, Calvin Jongsma
Intuitionism, Terence H. Perciante
Non-Standard Calculus, Ron Friewald
Two Philosophical Problems About Mathematics, Stephen Barker
Are Mathematical Objects Ontologically Real? Ideas and Suggestions, Frank R. Bernhart
On Kuyk’s Complementarity in Mathematics, Gene B. Chase
Brief Position Paper for Panel Discussion on Relation of Mathematics and Christianity, C. Ralph Verno
Mathematics in the Christian Philosophy of Life, C. Ralph Verno
Making Curriculum Decisions and The Nature of Mathematics, Paul Zwier