"The Role of Computer Science in a Liberal Arts College" by Russell C. Bjork

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



The question the panel has been asked to discuss actually encompasses two related, but distinct, questions - each of which, in turn, has two subquestions.

The first question concerns the place of a computer science as a major program of study among the offerings of a liberal arts college. The two subquestions here are as follows: First, is computer science an appropriate field of study to offer in a liberal arts college? (Is it a liberal art?) Second, is a liberal arts college an appropriate home for a computer science program? (Can a high quality program be offered in such an environment?)

The second question concerns the place of a computer science as part of the core program of studies in a liberal arts college. Here, the subquestions are these: First, what (if anything) ought every liberally-educated persons to know about computer science? (What are the minimum essentials?) Second, how can computer science enrich and inform the other liberal disciplines (thus taking its place among the “liberating” branches of learning)?


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