1999 Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences (ACMS) Conference Proceedings - Pillars - Zondervan Library - Taylor University | Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences | Taylor University

The twelfth conference of the Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences, "Twelfth ACMS Conference on Mathematics from a Christian Perspective," held at Gordon College May 26 - 29, 1999.

The published conference proceedings were edited by Robert L. Brabenec.

The ACMS has four purposes for impacting the lives of Christians in the mathematical sciences, each arising from and connected to our mission statement and statement of belief:

• To encourage exploration of the relationships among faith, scholarship, and teaching.

• To promote meaningful Christian interaction and relationships, providing a community in which there is no separation between faith life and professional life.

• To encourage research and writing, especially on topics exploring the relationships among faith, scholarship, and teaching.

• To promote innovative and effective teaching.


Submissions from 1999


Schedule (1999), Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences


Table of Contents (1999), Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences


Introduction (1999), Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences


Preface (1999), Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences


A Mathematician at the Science and Theology Book Club, Greg Crow


Book Review, David J. Stucki


Book Review - The Language of Mathematics: Making the Invisible Visible by Kieth Devlin, Charles R. Hampton


Book Review: Virtual Gods: The Seduction of Power and Pleasure in Cyberspace, Jonathan R. Senning


Lewis Carroll: Author, Mathematician, and Christian, David L. Neuhouser


Revolutions in Mathematics (Book Review), Kevin Vander Meulen


Teaching Linear Algebra and Abstract Algebra With Two Way Video and Audio, Edward Reinke


The Deconstruction of Mathematics, David J. Stucki


Tracking the Trochoid on Safari, Andrew Simoson