Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



Colleges and universities that teach mathematics have a responsibility to develop in students an appreciation of the powerful tools they are studying in the mathematics curriculum. Beyond this fundamental responsibility, the Christian college or university has the richer task of equipping mathematics graduates to use their mathematical knowledge and skills to sharpen their spiritual insight, to serve others, and to promote justice and freedom in society. The growth in mathematical maturity that occurs during the undergraduate years is an asset that enables Christian students of mathematics to participate in the redemptive work of Jesus Christ through their discipline of study. The thesis of this paper is that the strong reasoning skills developed through mathematical study can inform and deepen students' understanding of scriptural truth and enhance their sense of vocation as a means of stewardship, service, and worship in the kingdom of God. The author will describe a model for the teaching process proposed by the thesis and illustrate this model with the concepts of paradoxes and infinite processes as studied in undergraduate mathematics. The article concludes with a discussion of the mathematical sciences as tools of Christian redemption.


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