Archives & Special Collections - Pillars - Zondervan Library - Taylor University | Taylor University Research | Pillars at Taylor University

Archivist & Assistant Library Director, Special Collections: Ashley Chu, MLS

Taylor University's Archives & Special Collections' mission is to collect, preserve and make accessible the history and heritage of Taylor University in support of the mission of Taylor University.

Historical Context Statement

Archives & Special Collections is located in Zondervan Library provides public access to a variety of resources for teaching and research purposes, such as archival materials, images, and historical publications. These items reflect the perspectives, social norms, and biases of the time period in which they were created, and we recognize that these digital collections may include materials that fall short of the standards set by Taylor’s foundational documents, including the University’s Multicultural Philosophy Statement. Our goal in making these materials available is to provide access to historical resources in their original form for educational and research purposes.

According to Taylor University’s Multicultural Philosophy Statement, “We aspire to be a welcoming place where we show respect and love for all people. We want to honor one another and celebrate our diverse ethnic, racial, cultural, socio-economic, and national backgrounds in all dimensions of our life together. Through our relationships and programs, we actively strive to increase multicultural diversity in our community. We commit that Taylor University will emulate the beautiful, diverse multitude from every language, ethnicity, and nation who will gather in eternal praise to Christ in the Kingdom of Heaven (Rev. 7:9).”

Read more about Taylor University’s foundational documents, including the Multicultural Philosophy Statement:
Learn more about Taylor University’s Intercultural Leadership & Church Relations Department:


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Special Collections

University History