"Pauline Methods of Missionary Work" by William Taylor


William Taylor



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Preface: I have given in this little book a brief exhibit of the Pauline methods of missionary work. I make no invidious comparisons between the different bodies of workers in foreign countries, but leave all to make the application of the principles I here eliminate from the Word of God, according to the facts in each field of operation.

The Pauline principle of self-support we carry out fully in India and in South America, but in the latter field our workers are thus far fully occupied in grading down the hills and mountains, filling the valleys, making the crooked straight and the rough places plain, to prepare the way for the triumphal march of the King. I cannot say how soon we may there work effectively the Pauline evangelizing methods. Our friends will please pray for us, and give us time to lay a good foundation and demonstrate in their turn all the principles embodied in this little volume. It will be seen that in the space of ten months we have sent to Burmah, India, and South America thirty Missionary workers, at a cost, for passage, school furniture and freights, the sum of $8,691.41, which has been cheerfully sent in by the friends of this movement.

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Grant, Faires & Rodgers, Printers


Philadelphia, PA


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Pauline Methods of Missionary Work