Volume 2 (1999) A Collection of Essays Presented at the Second Frances White Ewbank Colloquium on C.S. Lewis & Friends
Full Issue
Irrigating Deserts: C.S. Lewis on Education
Joel D. Heck
Gender and Inklings Friendship
Candice Frederick and Sam McBride
C.S. Lewis: True Progressive
Doug Jackson
Lewis in the Dock: A Brief Review of the Secular Print Media's Judgment of the C.S. Lewis Centenary
Richard James
Screwtape: Of Demons and Letters
Danielle Leas
Poetry and Poetics in Tolkien's Middle Earth
Elisha Swett
Reflections on The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
Bradley S. Belcher
Examining Eustace's Transformation and Its Mythic Antecedents in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Devin Brown
Stealing Past Watchful Dragons: The Aesthetic as Apologetic in the Fiction of C.S. Lewis
Eric Maxfield
George MacDonald on the Logic of Faith
Barbara Amell
Reflections of MacDonald in Lewis
Sharon Oestreicher Kotapish
C.S. Lewis: The Abolition of Man
Christopher Horton
The Atheistic Influences of the Christian Apologist
Eric McGlaughlin
Literature in the Text of Gaudy Night
Michael Cunningham
A Chestertonian Approach to Humor
Robert Moore-Jumonville
Gollum and the Mystery of Evil
John Seland
Redeeming the Symbols: Madeleine L'Engle and the Interpreting of Contemporary Geometry in the Christian Tradition
C. Christopher Smith
Virtue, Civilization and the Restitution of Man
Angus J.L. Menuge
This collection is dedicated to David Neuhouser, Professor of Mathematics, Lewis and MacDonald scholar, and steadfast friend to students of Lewis and Friends
Editor's Acknowledgments
Lewis and Friends committee members who helped in all phases of the colloquium include Joe Burnworth, Faye Chechowich, David Dickey, Bonnie Houser, Dwight Jessup, Pam Jordan, Robert Moore-Jumonville, and Daryl Yost. David Neuhouser, Chair of the Committee, once again did most of the work in organizing the conference, no matter how modestly he denies it.
Thanks to Jan King for brilliant secretarial, editorial, and computer assistance; Steve Christensen for the colloquium logo; Taylor University Press for copying; and Prinit Press for binding.
Special thanks to Lewis scholar Jon Thorndike, Ph.D. of Belmont College for judging the undergraduate writing contest.
And deep appreciation once again to Daryl Yost, Jay Kesler, Ron and Mary Calkins, Ed Brown, Dan Hamilton, and the Borens for their support, moral and otherwise.
Rick Hill
Editor and Program Chair
All essays copyright 1999 by the individual authors