Volume 3 (2001) A Collection of Essays Presented at the Third Frances White Ewbank Colloquium on C.S. Lewis & Friends
Full Issue
Deep Magic
Robert Moore-Jumonville
Sir Gawain and Bilbo: Interrelationships
John Seland
The Gently Sloping, Chosen Path: C.S. Lewis's View of Hell in Screwtape and The Great Divorce
Richard Hill
Taking an Untamed Lion to School: Sharing about C.S. Lewis and Aslan in an Elementary School Classroom
Richard James
Epistemology and Metaphysics à la C.S. Lewis
David N. Entwistle
The Night C.S. Lewis Lost a Debate
Ted Dorman
The Lord of the Rings and the Christian Way
Nathan Sytsma
The Reasonable Faith: C.S. Lewis's Argument for Christianity from the Characteristics of Human Reason
Sabrina Locklair
Rejection of the Tao: Illustrations of the Chronicles of Narnia
Gabrielle Greggersen
The Joys of Collecting
Ed Brown
George MacDonald on Hamlet
Pam Jordan
This collection is dedicated to Daryl Yost, Senior Vice-President of Taylor University. As scholar, mentor, and friend, Dr. Yost has beena steadfast supporter of the Lewis and Friends Committee.
Editor's Acknowledgments
Lewis and Friends committee members who helped in all phases of the colloquium include Daryl Yost, Bill Ringenberg, Thom Satterlee, Dave Neuhouser, Dan Bowell, Jennifer ROdeheaver, and Pam Jordan, Chair.
Thanks to Tenley Horner and Jan King for secretarial help; Steve Christensen for the colloquium logo; Nick Corduan for technical assistance, and Anderson Bindery for printing.
Special thanks to Kathryn McConnell, Ph.D. of Point Loma Nazarene University for judging the undergraduate writing contest, and to Rachel Kellogg for layout and editorial assistance.
And deep appreciation yet again to Jay Kesler, Ron and Mary Calkins, Ed Brown, Dan Hamilton, and the Borens for their faithful support, moral and otherwise.
Rick Hill
Editor and Program Chair
All essays copyright 2001 by the individual authors