Volume 4 (2004) A Collection of Essays Presented at the Fourth Frances White Ewbank Colloquium on C.S. Lewis & Friends
Full Issue
The Importance of Being Dorothy L. Sayers
Barbara Reynolds
C.S. Lewis and the Ordinary Man
James M. Spencer
C.S. Lewis's Idea of Happiness
Tracey Finck
C.S. Lewis, Tutor
Joel D. Heck
George MacDonald's Insights into Science and Religion
Mary Ellis Taylor
Casting Light on Lilith: A Biblical Approach
Marie K. Hammond
The Season for the Hawthorn to Blossom
Robert Trexler
How the Hobbits Saved Civilization
Robert Moore-Jumonville
Why Is the Only Good Orc a Dead Orc
Anderson Rearick
C.S. Lewis's Insights on the Suffering of Animals
Gabriele Greggersen
Reading Lewis Reading: Oral Narrative and Literate Pedagogy in the Chronicles of Narnia
Nicole DuPlessis
Into the Region of Awe: Mysticism in C.S. Lewis
David C. Downing
George MacDonald on Psychology
Barbara Amell
MacDonald, the Revelation of God, and Literature
Darren Hotmire
The Hero's Journey of Eustace on the Voyage of Becoming: What Kind of Animal Do You Want To Be
Elizabeth McLaughlin
To Hell and Back Again: Edmund's Transformation
Heidi Beutel
Not a Tame Lion: What This Does and Does Not Mean
Raven Richardson
Dorothy L. Sayers and Russian Orthodoxy
Crystal Downing
Lewis on the Gospels as True Myth
Bruce W. Young
Narrating Pain: C.S. Lewis and the Problem of Evil
Samuel Joeckel
The Fisher Within the Spiritual Geography of C.S. Lewis's Perelandra
James D. Lopp III
In Defense of the Fairy Tale: C.S. Lewis's Argument for the Value and Importance of the Fairy Tale
Constance Rice
The Three Faces of Fairy
Scott P. Johnson and Alesha D. Seroczynski
This collection is dedicated to Jay Kesler, President Emeritus of Taylor University, author, scholar, educator, and man after C.S. Lewis's own heart.
Lewis and Friends Committee members who helped in all phases of the colloquium include: Steve Bedi, Dan Bowell, Laura Constantine, Dave Neuhouser, Steve Oberg, David Ritchie, Thom Satterlee, and Pam Jordan, Chair.
Thanks to Jan King for assistance with editorial and communication matters.
Special thanks to Robert Moore-Jumonville and Bruce Edwards for their support and participation.
Rick Hill
Editor and Program Chair
All essays copyright 2004 by the individual authors