
Volume 4 (2004) A Collection of Essays Presented at the Fourth Frances White Ewbank Colloquium on C.S. Lewis & Friends

Full Issue



C.S. Lewis, Tutor
Joel D. Heck


How the Hobbits Saved Civilization
Robert Moore-Jumonville


The Three Faces of Fairy
Scott P. Johnson and Alesha D. Seroczynski

This collection is dedicated to Jay Kesler, President Emeritus of Taylor University, author, scholar, educator, and man after C.S. Lewis's own heart.

Lewis and Friends Committee members who helped in all phases of the colloquium include: Steve Bedi, Dan Bowell, Laura Constantine, Dave Neuhouser, Steve Oberg, David Ritchie, Thom Satterlee, and Pam Jordan, Chair.

Thanks to Jan King for assistance with editorial and communication matters.

Special thanks to Robert Moore-Jumonville and Bruce Edwards for their support and participation.

Rick Hill
Editor and Program Chair

All essays copyright 2004 by the individual authors