
Volume 5 (2006) A Collection of Essays Presented at the Fifth Frances White Ewbank Colloquium on C.S. Lewis & Friends

Full Issue



C.S. Lewis, Apologist
Suzanne House Ebel


Chesterton's Enjoyable Asceticism
Robert Moore-Jumonville

This collection is dedicated to David L. Neuhouser, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics, author, scholar, and Director of the Center for the Study of C.S. Lewis and Friends. He has served the greater good of the Lewis and Friends Society, The Edwin W. Brown Collection, and the Frances White Ewbank Colloquium since their beginnings in the last century. For his friendship, vision, and dedication we offer him hearty thanks.

Many thanks to tireless Lewis and Friends committee members Thom Satterlee (Chair), Laura Constantine (Secretary), Dave Neuhouser (Patriarch), Robert lay, Dan Bowell, William Ringenberg, Joe Ricke, Pam Jordan,a nd Kate Garber.

Also kudos to Jan King for superlative layout and editorial assistance, Steve Christensen for the colloquium logo, and Anderson Bindery for printing.

Special thanks to Joseph Pearce of Ave Maria University for judging the undergraduate writing contest.

And deep appreciation yet again to Ed Brown, Dan Hamilton, Jay Kesler, and Leland and LaRita Boren for their faithful support over the years.

Rick Hill
Editor and Concurrent Sessions DIrector

All essays copyright 2006 by the individual authors