"Taylor in the 1940's" by Madison Miyakawa

MAHE Student Scholarship

Document Type


Publication Date

Fall 2020


Taylor University in the 1940’s was very exciting time, not just for the university, but also for America. World War II was coming to an end, the GI bill was passed, Taylor celebrated their centennial and was working towards national accreditation. During the 1940’s, Taylor’s location in Upland provided a haven for students to study during World War II. It remained that haven for students post war. Soldiers came back from war looking to continue in their education. Even today, almost 75 years later, Taylor is still a haven for students from all over the world to study in the “Taylor Bubble”.

The 1940’s was a time of celebration and of reflection for Taylor University as they achieved full accreditation and marked the centennial of the university. To give a full scope of where the university was in the 1940’s, it is important to look back to where Taylor came from. In 1846, Taylor University “was founded as two separate institutions, one for women and the other for men, and it was not until 1855 the two colleges were united under one administration and named Fort Wayne College” (Newspaper: Grant Taylor University Full Accreditation, 1947). The first site of the university was in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Under the administration of Rev. Thaddeus C. Reade, the school was moved from Fort Wayne to Upland, named for being high land on the Pennsylvania Railroad. In 1891, the institution changed its name to Taylor University after Bishop William Taylor, the only layman in the Methodist Church ever appointed bishop (Newspaper: Grant Taylor University Full Accreditation, 1947).


HED550, Dr. Skip Trudeau
