"Exploring the Impact of a Faculty-in-Residence Program on the Student " by Lauren Oliver

Master of Arts in Higher Education (MAHE) Theses

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)

First Advisor

Tim Herrmann

Second Advisor

Todd Ream

Third Advisor

Steve Bedi


Research shows faculty-student interactions outside of the classroom positively impact students’ holistic development. Throughout history, a number of universities have created space in residential education for these meaningful interactions to occur by allowing faculty to reside in student housing. This study explored the student benefits of a faculty-in-residence program at a private liberal arts and sciences university in the Midwest. Through the utilization of a mixed methods approach, the researcher developed a deeper understanding around the phenomenon of faculty-student interactions within a faculty-in-residence program. According to this study, the majority of students participate in the program in some capacity. Still, the benefit of their participation hinges primarily on their level of engagement, which the research defined as the “physical and physiological energy” invested into a particular end (Astin, 1999, p. 519). Although students with little engagement alluded to feeling supported by the presence of faculty in the residence hall, higher education professionals could improve the program’s impact by addressing some of the factors shaping a student’s willingness to engage. A faculty-in-residence program offers a unique opportunity for universities to redefine learning for students in meaningful ways. If institutions utilize faculty-in-residence programs at their highest capacity, students who engage could greatly benefit.
