"Supporting Student-Parents: A Qualitative Exploration of the Online Pr" by Paige L. McCourt

Master of Arts in Higher Education (MAHE) Theses

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)

First Advisor

Tim Herrmann

Second Advisor

Drew Moser

Third Advisor

Jessica Fankhauser


Increasing numbers of nontraditional students, including student-parents, are enrolling in postsecondary education. These students are raising dependent children while pursuing a degree and often require specialized support services, such as childcare, flexible course schedules, family housing, and financial assistance. Qualitative document analysis of the online resources at 50 postsecondary institutions’ revealed the presence and absence of student support services at these campuses. An initial analysis of the documents generated five themes regarding support for student-parents: (1) structured support services and offices; (2) family housing options or assistance; (3) specific financial aid options for student-parents; (4) the availability of parenting resources to both employees and students of the institution; and (5) other considerations suggested by the data. The study recorded frequencies of support as appropriate for each theme, which generated implications for practice as well as future research when considering how to better support student-parents on campus.
