"Faith Maturity Effects on Sexual Decision-Making" by Isaac S. Bryan

Master of Arts in Higher Education (MAHE) Theses

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)

First Advisor

Tim Herrmann

Second Advisor

Skip Trudeau

Third Advisor

Scott Gaier


Research has shown a strong connection between faith/religiosity/spirituality and sexuality – the more religious or spiritual a student is, the less sexually permissive he or she is. While this connection is confirmed in different studies, there are still nuances to be explored, such as the connection of sexual decision-making – the precursor to sexual behavior. This research looks to confirm that the factors impacting the decision to initiate or abstain from sex are also connected to faith maturity. Quantitative data was collected using the Faith Maturity Scale and Sexual Decision-Making scale from male undergraduate students living at a residential, private, Christian institution. Results showed a small, but significant correlation between the two scales, suggesting that faith maturity does account for a portion of the variation in sexual decision-making and self-efficacy regarding decision-making.
