Document Type

Conference Proceeding

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In this paper we study Pascal’s character via his writings. There are indications that his health might have deteriorated following the experiments he had done using mercury. He talks in his Pensées about faith, grace and purity of the heart, about the peoples and the way in which God leads them, about wisdom, dreams and hopes and that which lies in the human heart. If a statistics was done concerning the most used books and verses from the Bible in Pensées, these would be: Ecclesiastes, Proverbs, Matthew, Mark, Jeremiah, Hebrews, Romans, Luke, Isaiah, Psalms. But those which occupy a central position are, of course, the ones used by the Lord Jesus Christ, such as: John 3:16, when he speaks about faith, Luke 17:33 when speaking about the bet, and Matthew 16:26 when talking about the thinking reed. For Pascal there is no antagonism between science and faith.


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