The eighteenth conference of the Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences, held at Westmont College June 1 - 4, 2011.
The ACMS has four purposes for impacting the lives of Christians in the mathematical sciences, each arising from and connected to our mission statement and statement of belief:
• To encourage exploration of the relationships among faith, scholarship, and teaching.
• To promote meaningful Christian interaction and relationships, providing a community in which there is no separation between faith life and professional life.
• To encourage research and writing, especially on topics exploring the relationships among faith, scholarship, and teaching.
• To promote innovative and effective teaching.
Submissions from 2011
ACMS 18th Biennial Conference Proceedings, Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences
Schedule (2011), Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences
Table of Contents (2011), Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences
Introduction (2011), Russell Howell
Paper Abstracts (2011), Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences
A Bayesian Secondary Analysis in an Asthma Study, Samuel P. Wilcock, Vernon M. Chinchilli, and Stephen P. Peters
Bringing Undergraduate Research into the Classroom, Stephen Lovett
Calculus Communication Circle, Judith Palagallo
Connecting Mathematics Students to Philosophy and Faith, Nathan Moyer
Google and the Mathematics of Web Search, Michael Rempe
History of Mathematics: An Exercise in Strengths, Mary Walkins
Lesson’s Learned: A Journey in Computational Science, Ryan Botts and Lori Carter
Math History Study Abroad Program: Learning Math History in a Cultural Context, Donna Pierce
Pascal’s Thoughts Seen in the Light of Scripture, Loredana Ciurariu
PK Mathematics, Jeremy Case
Real Simulations and Simulated Reality, Wayne Iba
The History of the Area between a Line and a Parabola, Gordon A. Swain
The Mathematics of Cubic Sudoku, Nicholas Zoller
The Need for a Graphics Programming Course, Nathan Gossett
The Search for Hamilton, Eric Gossett
The Study of Mathematics: A Text from a Christian Perspective, Doug Phillippy
Thinking Philosophically about Mathematics, Robert L. Brabenec
Two Faith Integration Projects for Freshman Majors, Nicholas J. Willis
Using Original Historical Mathematics Texts in the Classroom, Maria Zack
What we can Learn from Process Theology: Integrating Faith and Mathematics, Josh Wilkerson
Where, Oh Waring? The Classic Problem and its Extensions, Brian D. Beasley