"Biblical Principles with Benedictine Hallmarks in the Mathematics Curr" by Cameron Sweet

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



Many of the hallmarks of Christian education identified in the Bible by Benedict of Nursia fit naturally in mathematics curriculum. Successes and challenges to incorporating Benedictine Hallmarks were considered from a newly revised Core course on Mathematics in Modern Society. Multiple methods were adopted to integrate these values into the course. Short readings from scripture and mathematics literature that related to the campus values were posted on the course webpage for discussion each week. In-class activities included reflective exercises on applying these values in mathematics. Community was built through these activities as students listened to each other’s ideas and techniques. Hospitality was modeled to the instructor’s classes through office hours held in the tutoring center. A term paper requiring students to describe mathematics involved in their hobby or area of study encouraged many to practice stewardship of resources using their mathematical knowledge or to express mathematics relevant to their cultures.
