Aims & Scope | Growth: The Journal of the Association for Christians in Student Development - Pillars - Zondervan Library - Taylor University | Association of Christians in Student Development | Taylor University

Aims & Scope

Mission and Introduction to The Association for Christians in Student Development (ACSD)

The Association for Christians in Student Development (ACSD) is comprised of professionals who seek to bring their commitment to Jesus Christ together with their work in college student development. Through the exchange of ideas, encouragement of networking, regional and annual conferences, and application of scriptural principles to developmental theory, ACSD seeks to enable its members to be more effective in ministering to students.

The roots of ACSD go back to the 1950s with the formation of the Christian Association of Deans of Women and the Association of Christian Deans and Advisors of Men. The two groups merged in 1980, reflecting a commitment to work together with mutual respect. ACSD has grown and currently represents more than 1,100 individuals from more than 250 institutions. While membership originally centered in Bible institutes, Bible colleges, and Christian liberal arts colleges, the Association has committed itself to linking up with colleagues in all institutions of higher education, both public and private. In support of this emphasis, the Association has sponsored prayer breakfasts and workshops in conjunction with annual conferences presented by major student affairs associated organizations.

Membership in ACSD is open to all persons who have or are preparing for responsibilities in student development areas in higher education and who are in agreement with ACSD’s doctrinal statement, constitution, and by-laws. Members receive the Association’s newsletter, free access to placement services, reduced rates at annual conferences, and copies of Growth: The Journal of the Association for Christians in Student Development.

In keeping with the mission and goals of the Association, the purposes of Growth: The Journal of the Association for Christians in Student Development are:

  • To provide a forum for members to publish original research.
  • To encourage the membership to be active in scholarship.
  • To provide members with access to beneficial resource material intended to inform good practice.
  • To stimulate research in Christian student affairs.
  • To promote the ideals of ACSD and Christian student affairs.