

As the discussion of the LGBT community continues to evolve and inform decisions at higher education institutions, evidence suggests the “T”–transgender–discussion at CCCU institutions has remained stagnant and largely unrecognized. In June 2011 ACSD’s New Professionals Collaborative asked professionals to present a case study on how a CCCU institution would house a transgender student who had already been admitted into the institution. The authors found the literature on the subject to be sparse, and within the Christian context it is nearly nonexistent. The few precedents and best practices on housing a transgender student do not appear to align with the values of a CCCU institution. There are, however, a few viable housing options to explore, and while an exhaustive list was not created, several of the most likely are examined and discussed. Understanding that a transgender student’s situation is unique and recognizing a lack of knowledge, precedent, and expertise on the subject, the recommendation is to have a conversation with the student about institutional fit. If an agreement to live by the institution’s values is reached, the authors assert housing the student with his/her biological sex most aligns with the institution’s values. Ultimately, the most compelling conclusion and discussion is that CCCU institutions must urgently lay a philosophical and theological foundation on the transgender issue.
