Koinonia is the early publication of the ACSD, updating membership with news about the organization, relevant events at various colleges and universities, and topics related to those in the field of student development.
Fall 1999
Michael Lastoria, Denise Campbell, David Guthrie, Ron L. Coffey, and Michael W. Row
In This Issue
Student Affairs and The Personal Affairs of Students: Our Role, Michael LastoriaCheck the Tortillas and Other Whispers From God: Seers for the New Millennium, Denise Campbell
In The Field
At Home at School: CCCU Student Leaders Evaluate Their College Experience, David GuthrieAround Campus
Money Week, Ron L. CoffeyRedemptive Criminology, Michael W. Row
Regular Features
President's CornerEditor's Disk
Annual Conference: Highlights of ACSD 1999 at Biola University
Book Review: Leadership Games: Experiential Learning for Organizational Development
Perspective: Leaders Who Make a Difference
Spring 1999
Hugh Hewitt, Debra L. Elliott, Scott Preissler, Dana Alexander, Dennis A. Sheridan, Theresa Hanneman, and Sarah Marcum
In This Issue
People are Hungry to Talk About Deep Things (Reprint from The Embarrassed Believer: Reviving Christian Witness in an Age of Unbelief), Hugh HewittThe Legacy of Ernest L. Boyer, Sr.: The Boyer Center at Messiah College, Debra L. Elliott
Filling the Voids in Christian Leadership Training Today: Connecting Student Development, Stewardship & Nonprofit Education with Emerging Leaders, An Interview with Scott Preissler, The Christian Stewardship Association
Reply to an Idealistic Job-Searcher, Dana Alexander
In The Field
Beyond the Horizon: Student Affairs Practice in the 21st Century, Dennis A. SheridanAround Campus
And God Created . . . Sex, Theresa Hannerman and Sarah MarcumRegular Features
President's CornerEditor's Disk
Annual Conference
News from the Regions: Spotlight on the Southeast
Book Reviews: The Embarrassed Believer: When Hope and Fear Collide
Perspective: The Ultimate Student Service: Prayer?
Winter 1999
James Kanning, Melissa J. Schermer, Eileen Hulme, and Kadi Cole
In This Issue
Vocation and an Integrated Christian Worldview: Reprint from Love Your God with All Your Mind: The Role of Reason in the Life of the Soul by J.P. MorelandSWOT, MBO, and Other Life Perils, James Kanning
Contemporary Christian Music Challenges Activity Directors to Assess Campus Spiritual Climate, Melissa J. Schermer
In The Field
Anticipatory Consciousness: A Learning Paradigm for College Students, Eileen HulmeAround Campus
Using Technology in Wellness Programming, Kadi ColeRegular Features
President's CornerEditor's Disk
Annual Conference: Sunny Southern California Welcomes ACSD 1999
News from the Regions: Spotlight on the Lake Region
Coalition of Christian College Activities (CoCCA): Hot Ideas
Book Review: Virtual Faith: The Irreverent Spiritual Quest of Generation X
Perspective: Tales of a First Year RD
Fall 1998
Skip Trudeau, Tim Johnson, Brent D. Ellis, and Mary Jayne Allen
In This Issue
Collaboration: Putting Student Learning Theory Into Practice, Skip Trudeau and Tim JohnsonNACE Says 'No' to Alcohol in Recruiting Students, Alumni, Spotlight reprint from the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE)
The Paradox of Leadership, Brent D. Ellis
Around Campus
Residence Life Staff and Faculty Collaborate in the Common Curriculum, Mary Jayne AllenCooperative Learning Opportunities for the Campus Community, Skip Trudeau and Tim Johnson
Regular Features
President's CornerEditor's Disk
Annual Conference: Memories of the ACSD 1998 at Calvin College
News from the Regions: Spotlight on the Northwest
Coalition of Christian College Activities (CoCAA): Hot Ideas
Spring 1998
Bob Reed, Damon Seacott, Skip Trudeau, and Tim Johnson
From Happy Flies to Sour Grapes to Happy Flies: Some Thought son Guthrie's Manifesto
President's Corner
Editor's Disk & Placement Service Update
1998 ACSD Ballot
Grand Rapids--The Place to Be & ACSD Electronic Discussion Group
CoCCA: Following Jesus: Success in Developing Christian College Students & Hot Ideas
Book Review: Student Affairs Reconsidered: A Christian View of the Profession and its Context
Winter 1998
David S. Guthrie, Jeff Doyle, Brad Bowser, and Steven Garber
A Preliminary Manifesto for Christian Student Affairs Practitioners
President's Corner
Editor's Disk
Christian vs. Secular Universities: Where Should You Work?
CoCCA: Involvement through Campus Activities & Hot Ideas
ACSD Placement Update & ACSD Electronic Discussion Group
Book Review: The Fabric of Faithfulness by Steven Garber
Fall 1997
David Gyertson, Allison Beach, and Katie Friesen Smith
All the King's Horses: Making the Pieces Fit
President's Corner
Editor's Disk
Highlights from the 1997 ACSD Annual Conference
Increasing Opportunities for Student Athletes
CoCCA: Hot Ideas
Book Review: Leadership Jazz
ACSD Regional Directors
Spring 1997
Mark J. Troyer, Brent Ellis, Dan Vander Hill, M. Lee Upcraft, and John H. Schuh
Student Leadership Development: A Christian College Research Project and Discussion of Issues
President's Corner
Editor's Disk
ACSD Executive Committee Ballot
CoCCA: Leadership Development Made Less Intimidating & Hot Ideas
New Professionals Retreat
Book Review: Assessment in Student Affairs
Winter 1997
Steve Stratton, Venessa A. Brown, and Margaret I. Manning
Back to the Future in Christian Counseling: Thoughts from a Student Learning Perspective
President's Corner
Editor's Disk
CoCCA: A Bridge Toward Cultural Competency in Christian Colleges & Hot Ideas
Book Review: Postmodern Times
Fall 1996
Sarah Beth Baldwin and Damon Matthew Seacott
A Mandate for Action in Residential Living and Learning
President's Corner
1996 ACSD Annual Conference Photo Highlights
CoCCA: Christian College Dating & Hot Ideas
Book Review: The Abandoned Generation
Regional Directors
Spring 1996
Miriam Sallers, Ron L. Coffey, Becky Leithold, and Dennis W. Perry Jr.
The Purpose of Higher Education
President's Corner
The Editor's Disk
CoCCA: Volunteer Service...Required? & Hot Ideas
New Professionals Retreat, ACSD Archives Announcement
Book Preview: "What on Earth Are We Doing?"
ACSD Northwest Regional Activity
Career Development: Much More Than Placement
Winter 1996
Brenda Salter McNeil, Erick B. Mowery, and Michael Sanders
The Issue is Power, Brenda Salter McNeil with Barbara Thompson
President's Corner
The Editor's Disk
ACSD '96 Annual Conference Highlight
New Professionals Retreat, ACSD Archives Announcement, Program Announcement
CoCCA: Orientation at Smaller Schools with Not-So-Small Aspirations & Hot Ideas
A Balanced Spirituality
Is There Life After Deaning?
Book Review: Cultural Pluralism on Campus
Fall 1995
Melissa Schermer, Steve Moore, and Alan Mula
An Article by Philip Yancey
President's Corner
CoCCA: Sharing the Wealth
Photo Collage of the ACSD '95 Conference
Who Wants Revival?
Book Review: Managing Student Affairs Effectively
Distinguished Service Awards
Hop on the Information Superhighway with the ACSD Electronic Discussion Group
Spring 1995
Harley Schreck and Jon Kaluga
Taking Student Culture Seriously: A coordinated program of research by five colleges in the Christian College Coalition, Harley Schreck
President's Corner, the Editor's Disk
ACSD Proposed Bylaw Change, New Professionals' Retreat Cancelled
CoCCA: Know Teams? No Problem & Hot Ideas!
Book Review-Right from Wrong: What You Need to Know to Help Youth Make Right Choices
New South East Regional Director, Northwest Regional Activity
Winter 1995
Marcia B. Baxter Magolda, Rob Thompson, and Becky Leithold
The Epistemological Development of College Students, Marcia B. Baxter Magolda
President's Corner, The Editor's Disk
CoCCA: Marketing Your Student Leadership Experience & Hot Ideas
Making Your Own RA Manual
Great Lakes Regional Conference
Fall 1994
Eugene Peterson, Steve Moore, Mary Carroll Burns, and Carol Sisson
The University as a Place of Spiritual Formation, Eugene Peterson and Steve Moore
President's Corner
Into the Future: Highlights of the 1994 ACSD National Conference
CoCCA: Community Service Finds Its Way into the Freshmen Orientation Program
Thanks for the Memories & Much More
Spring 1994
Edee Schulze
Equipping Students for Service, Edee Schulze
President's Corner
The Spirit of the Disciplines: Focus on the 1994 ACSD National Conference
A Size Seven Forever
CoCCA: Introducing CASCO
In Memory of Lee Demarais
Update on the 1994 National Conference
Winter 1994
Jon Kulaga and Damon Deacott
Excerpt from the book Churches That Abuse, by Ronald Enroth
President's Corner
Reality Rides the Current
CoCCA: Student Activities: Serving a "New" Community of Learners; Hot Ideas
CACSD Conference
Regional Directors
Fall 1993
Paul Borden, Tim Arens, Paul Nemecek, Rob Sisson, and Andy Bratton
Targeting The Neo-Trekkies: Going Where No One Has Gone Before, Paul Borden
President's Corner
Book Review: Breaking Down Walls, A Model for Reconciliation in An Age of Racial Strife
Remembering the ACSD 1993 National ConferenceCOCCA: Film Aesthetics; Book Review: Hollywood vs. America and Hot Ideas
Focus on the ACSD 1994 National Conference: Convicted Civility, Can We Be Faithful and Polite Too?
Leadership Retreat Held at Milligan College
ACSD New Professionals' Retreat
Position Changes
Spring 1993
Cliff Briggs, Margaret J. Barr, Carol Trejos, Kathy Henderson, and Heather M. Helms-Erikson
Guiding Principles: Toward Development of An Ethic of National and Community Service with an Emphasis Upon Higher Education, Cliff Briggs
President's Corner
Focus on the ACSD 1993 National Conference: Mirrors of the Past, Directions for the Future
When Goals Hinder Vision
CoCCA: Planning Activities for Adult Students; Hot Program and Promotional Tips
Males' Attributions and Expectancies about Potential Mates as a Function of Sex Roles Part II
Winter 1993
Paul Lowell Haines, Miriam Sallers, Jessica McCoskey, Cecilia Delve Scheuermann, Heather M. Helms-Erikson, and Dana Alexander
Legal Issues Facing Student Development Professionals at Private Institutions of Higher Education, Paul Lowell Haines
President's Corner
New Professionals' Retreat
CoCCA: Decentralizing Activities Programming, Hot Promotional Tips & Program
Highlight on the ACSD 1993 National Conference: Mandatory Community Service
Males' Attributions and Expectancies about Potential Mates as a Function of Sex Roles: Part I
Senior Year: Window of Opportunity or Door to Wilderness Wandering
Placement Service
Fall 1992
Ernest Pascarella
Designing Colleges for Greater Learning: Ernest Pascarella and Patrick Terenzini
President's Corner
Faith Development
ACSD Conference Photos & Quotes
CoCCA: The Student Center; Hot Promotional Tips & Program
Salary Survey
CACSD Conference Report
Spring 1992
Stephen Beers, Melinda Moers, and Linda Cummins
Reclaiming Discipline, Stephen Beers
President's Corner
Critical Years: A look at a new era in Faith Development
CoCCA: A Christian Response to Multiculturalism; Guest Editorial; Hot Programs
ACSD Lake Regional Conference Report
ACSD Placement Service
Research Grant Applications
Winter 1992
Jinny De Jong, Michael Lastoria, Al Cureton, George D. Kuh, John H. Schuh, Elizabeth J. Whitt, Mark Troyer, and Tim McKinney
Being Careful Is Not Enough, Jinny De Jong
President's Corner
Faith Development
Some Good News About Campus Life
Behind Closed Doors
ACSD Placement Service
Bonding: A Different Package for the Message of Relationships and Sex
Appalachian Regional Conference
Fall 1991
Todd S. Voss, Lee Demarais, Kermit Zopfi, and Norris Friesen
Decision Making int he 90s: The Role of Intuition, Todd S. Voss
ACSD 1991 National Conference Report
Conference Photos & Quotes
The Reflective Christian
CoCCA: The Christian College Activities Index
Position Changes
President's Corner