Koinonia is the early publication of the ACSD, updating membership with news about the organization, relevant events at various colleges and universities, and topics related to those in the field of student development.
Winter 2010
Brian Jensen, Emily J. Darnell, Philip Byers, Josh Arnold, Drew Moser, David Johnstone, Rob Pepper, Kim Stave, Ken Heffner, Kirstin Vander Giessen-Reitsma, Christopher Bohle, and Bob Crow
Best Practice Features
Life on Life Learning: Steps Towards Authentic Mentoring, Brian JensenThe Heart of the Honor Code: I am My Brother's Keeper, Emily J. Darnell
Spotlight Features
Old People are "Whole Persons," Too: Why Understanding Heritage is a Foundational Component of College Student Development, Philip ByersMinistry and Learning in Residence Life, Josh Arnold
Shepherding in an Age of Edupunks, Drew Moser
The Gap in the Curtain: Seeing Pieces of a Residential Community's Future, David Johnstone
A Conversation with Juana Bordas, conducted by Rob PepperLooking Into the Future: Two Educators' Perspectives on Christian Higher Education, by Kim Stave and Ken Heffner (edited by Kirstin Vander Giessen-Reitsma)
Book Reviews
The Unlikely Disciple (by Kevin Roose), reviewed by Christopher BohleReflections
Seven Greek Words that Mean the World to Me, Bob CrowFeatures
The President's CornerEditor's Desk
Spring 2009
Connie Horton, Mark Davis, Eric Lowdermilk, Justin Heth, Caleb Farmer, Sharon Virkler, Philip D. Byers, David M. Johnstone, Jeff Rioux, Joshua Canada, Nicole Braddock Bromley, and Kim Stave
Best Practices Features
Students of Concern Committee: Coordinating Care, Connie Horton and Mark DavisWant to Change Student Culture on Your Campus? Do the CORE!, Eric Lowdermilk
Spotlight Features
You Only Get 1 Up, Justin Heth and Caleb FarmerThe Season, Sharon Virkler
Book Reviews
The Future of Christian Learning: An Evangelical and Catholic Dialogue (by Mark Noll and James Turner), reviewed by Philip D. ByersRestoring Rebecca: A Story of Traumatic Stress, Caregiving and the Unmasking of a Superhero (by Christopher Marchand), reviewed by David M. Johnstone
A Review of Culture Making: Recovering our Creative Calling (by Andy Crouch), reviewed by Jeff Rioux
Revisiting How Minority Students Experience College: Implications for Planning and Policy (by LKemuel Watson, Melvin Terrell, Doris Wright, Fred Bonner II, Michael Cuyjet, James Gold, Donna Rudy and Dawn Person), reviewed by Joshua Canada
Excerpts from Breathe: Finding Freedom to Thrive in Relationships after Childhood Sexual Abuse, Nicole Braddock Bromley
My Journey into Student Affairs, Kim StaveFeatures
The President's CornerEditor's Desk
Winter 2009
Larry Crabb, Jesse Brown, Steven M. Conn, Michael Santarosa, Stephanie Santarosa, Steve Ivester, Kyle Lantz, Nathan Geer, and Andrew D. Rowell
Spotlight Features
Sovereign Stumbling: My Life Journey to Date, Larry CrabbConversations About Racism, Jessie Brown
Anxiety: A Growing Problem in College Students, Steven M. Conn
Thinking Theologically
Teaching the Truth, Michael and Stephanie SantarosaBook Reviews
Kingdom Triangle: Recover the Christian Mind, Renovate the Soul, Restore the Spirit's Power (by J.P. Moreland), reviewed by Steve IvesterThe Soul of a Christian University: A Field Guide for Educators (edited by Stephen T. Beers), reviewed by Kyle Lantz
The Outrageous Idea of Academic Faithfullness (by Donald Opitz and Derek Melleby), reviewed by Nathan Geer
I Once Was Lost: What Postmodern Skeptics Taught Us About Their Path to Jesus (by Don Everts and Doug Schaupp), reviewed by Andrew D. Rowell
The President's CornerEditor's Desk
Spring 2008
Rick Zomer, David Johnstone, Tim Elmore, Gene C. Fant Jr., Edee Schulze, Connie Sjoberg, Mike Broberg, David A. Kennedy, Nicole Hoefle, Michael Santarosa, Stephanie Santarosa, Jason M. Morris, and Heidi Johnston
Spotlight Features
Has Facebook Jumped the Shark?, Rick ZomerThe Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Virtual Community, David Johnstone
Screenagers: How Technology is Changing the Way we Interact with Students, Tim Elmore
'In Loco Parentis' Revisited, Gene C. Fant Jr.
ACSD News: From Location to Interest: ACSD Considers Move from Regional to Collaboratives Model, Edee Schulze, Connie Sjoberg, Mike Broberg, David A. Kennedy, Nicole Hoefle
Thinking Theologically
Keeping Faith: Serving Students or the Kingdom, Michael and Stephanie SantarosaBook Reviews
Encouraging Authenticity and Spirituality in Higher Education, reviewed by Jason M. MorrisMy Freshman Year, Heidi Johnston
The President's Corner; Editor's Desk -
Winter 2008
Kevin Johnson, Brent Ellis, Rebecca Sok, Carl Ruby, Benjamin Kulpa, Michael Santarosa, Stephanie Santarosa, Aaron Damiani, and Laura M. Rodeheaver
Leadership Spotlight Features
Developing Servant Leaders: The Tale of Two Questions, Kevin JohnsonLife at the Cross Roads: Living out the Eternal in the Midst of the Temporal, Brent Ellis
Leadership Process vs. Results (Regardless of Culture, Country or Gender), Rebecca Sok
Leading During Times of Conflict: Lessons from the Early Church, Carl Ruby
From Fiction to Fact, Benjamin Kulpa
Thinking Theologically
Charismatic Boy Meets Reformed Girl, Michael and Stephanie SantarosaBook Reviews
A Review of Integrity: The Courage to Face the Demands of Reality (by Henry Cloud), reviewed by Aaron DamianiLeadership Can Be Taught (by Sharon Daloz Parks), reviewed by Laura M. Rodeheaver
The President's CornerEditor's Desk
Regional Updates
Fall 2007
Jolene Cassellius, Shannon Schans, Brian Powell, Glen Kinoshita, Michael Santarosa, Carol Harding, Ryan K. Giffin, and Jesse Brown
Spotlight Feature
Thinking Globally in a Local Context, Jolene CasselliusFamily and Balance, Shannon Schans
Cultivating Philanthropy in the Co-Curriculum: An Alternative to the Narcissism of the iGeneration, Brian Powell
The Ministry of Reconciliation: A Conversation with Brenda Salter McNeil, Glen KinoshitaThinking Theologically
Thought About Thinking Lately? How About Thinking Christianly?, Michael SantarosaBook Review
Hush: Moving From Silence to Healing After Childhood Sexual Abuse, reviewed by Carol HardingI'm the Teacher, You're the Student: A Semester in the University Classroom, reviewed by Ryan K. Giffin
Reconciliation Blues: A Black Evangelical's Inside View of White Christianity, reviewed by Jesse Brown
The President's CornerEditor's Desk
Regional Updates
Spring 2007
Julianna Hutchins, Darcia Narvaez, Donald Miller, David Walsh, Todd Ream, Glen Kinoshita, and Steve Morley
Spotlight Feature
The Implications of What We Hold in Common: Restoring the Meaning of Christian Community, Julianna HutchinsConference Keynote Previews
Taking Full Advantage of the College Experience to Cultivate Moral Character, Darcia NarvaezThe Gospel of Jesus: Why WIlliam Shakespeare was a Prophet, Donald Miller
A Bad Cause, David Walsh
Thinking Theologically
Thinking Theologically: The Seasons of Hope's Redemption, Part III, Todd ReamStudent Voices
Got Mail? Diversity Dialogues Across the Digital Divide, Glen KinoshitaBook Review
Generation Me, reviewed by Steve MorleyFeatures
The President's Corner; Editor's Desk; Regional Updates -
Winter 2007
Soong-Chan Rah, Kevin Johnson, Todd Ream, Jesse Brown, Glen Kinoshita, and Kirstin Vander Giessen-Reitsma
Spotlight Feature
The Changing Face of American Evangelicalism, Soong-Chan RahReflection
Educating Contentment, Kevin JohnsonThinking Theologically
Thinking Theologically: The Seasons of Hope's Redemption, Part II, Todd ReamCelebrating Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Why We Can't Wait: A Civil Rights Journey, Jessie BrownStudent Voices
Creative Wisdom: Sitting at the Feet of Students, Glen KinoshitaPopular Culture
Festival of Faith & Music: Seeking to Remember, Kirstin Vander Giessen-ReitsmaFeatures
The President's Corner; Editor's Desk -
Fall 2006
Kate Bowman Johnston, James Spiegel, Glen Kinoshita, Todd Ream, and Jesse M. Brown
Spotlight Feature
The Cult of Cool: Rejecting Relevance and Pursuing Faithfulness, Kate Bowman JohnstonReflection
Faith and the Problem of Suffering, James SpiegelACSD Summer 2006
Photos from ACSEAuthor Interview
Our Place at the Table: The Role of White People in Racial Reconciliation: An Interview with Doug Schaupp, Glen KinoshitaThinking Theologically
Thinking Theologically: The Seasons of Hope's Redemption Part I, Todd ReamBook Review
Skin Games, reviewed by Jessie M. BrownFeatures
The President's CornerEditor's Desk
Spring 2006
Jo Anne Lyon, Amy E. Bartley, Todd Ream, Josh Staffieri, and Glen Kinoshita
Conference Spotlight
The Blessing of Purpose, Jo Anne LyonDealing With Burnout
Light at the End of the Tunnel: A Burnout Intervention Plan for Student Development Professionals, Amy E. BartleyCommunity Considerations
Thinking Theologically: Considering Community, Todd ReamMen's Issues
Everybody Loves Raymond, Josh StaffieriBook Review
Being White: Finding Our Place in a Multiethnic World, reviewed by Glen KinoshitaFeatures
The President's Corner; Editor's Disk -
Winter 2006
Bill Millard, Todd Ream, Cara Copeland, Melanie Hulbert, Tony Marchese, Canaan Crane, and David Johnstone
Conference Spotlight
A Life Calling Conceptual and Developmental Model, Bill MillardCommunity Considerations
Thinking Theologically: Considering Community, Todd ReamWomen's Issues
Women, Work, and Family, Cara Copeland & Melanie HulbertCalling and Career
Vocational Realization Through the Discovery of Human Assets, Tony MarcheseHuman Sexuality
Creating an Effective Human Sexuality Statement, Canaan CraneBook Review
Bono: In Conversation with Michka Assayas, reviewed by David JohnstoneFeatures
The President's Corner; Editor's Disk -
Fall 2005
John Maxwell, Tim Elmore, Glen Kinoshita, Andrew Shriver, Todd Ream, Jerry Schwenke, and Brie McDaniel
Conference Spotlight
From Ordinary to Extraordinary, John MaxwellLeadership Development
EPIC Leadership: Preparing EPIC Leaders Using Images, Experiences, and Relationship, Tim ElmoreDiversity & Community
Diversity in Evangelical Higher Education: An Interview with Will Kratt, Glen KinoshitaSophomore Community Groups, Andrew Shriver
Thinking Theologically: Considering Community-Part 1, Todd Ream
Book Reviews
A History of American Higher Education, reviewed by Jerry SchwenkeHurt: Inside the World of Today's Teenagers, reviewed by Brie McDaniel
Snapshots from ACSD 2005Features
The President's CornerEditor's Disk
Spring 2005
Jennifer Lindholm, Todd C. Ream, Dana Alexander, and Skip Trudeau
Conference Spotlight
Spirituality, Religion, and the Undergraduate College Student, Jennifer LindholmACSD 2005 Artist Spotlight: Shaun Groves
Ideas for Our Work
Thinking Theologically: The Moral of a Good Story, Todd C. ReamChanging Our Name and Identity: Rebranding or Renewal, Dana Alexander
The President's CornerEditor's Disk
Spring 2004
Tony Marchese, David M. Johnstone, Kerri Cissna, Michael Card, Jeff Doyle, Todd Ream, and Skip Trudeau
Engaging the Meaning-Making Power of Reflection: An Evaluation of the Undergraduate Experience, Tony Marchese"The Classroom is Not Enough..." The Reason for Residence Life on a Christian Liberal Arts Campus, David M. Johnstone
Frugal Flushing: A Look at Stewardship in Student Development, Kerri Cissna
Conference Spotlight
Wishes or Hope, Michael CardBook Review
Strategies for Staff Development: Personal and Professional Education in the 21st Century, reviewed by Jeff DoyleFeatures
The President's CornerEditor's Disk
Thinking Theologically: To Seek the Grace that Redeems, Todd Ream
Winter 2004
Jim McCormick, Lisa Burch, Stuart C. Lord, Jenny Collins, Tracy Balzer, Steve Austin, Todd Ream, and Skip Trudeau
Themed Housing
Theme Houses: Getting to the Foundations of Community, Jim McCormickA Year in the Little Yellow House, Lisa Burch
Conference Spotlight
Building Cross Cultural Community, Stuart C. LordArticles
Standards of Excellence in Short-Term Mission, Jenny Collins"Follow Me": Intimacy with God Through Spiritual Direction, Tracy Balzer
Faith, Wisdom and Grace: Walt Campbell Interviews, Steve Austin
The President's CornerEditor's Disk
Thinking Theologically: Learning Communities, Todd Ream
Fall 2003
Tony Marchese, Mimi Barnard, Robbie Castleman, Wayne Barnard, Evan Parry, Damon Seacott, Todd Ream, and Skip Trudeau
In the Academy
Creating Curricular Cohesiveness in the Academy: Infusing our Sector with Being, Tony MarcheseLearning Communities at Abilene Christian University: Integrating Faith, Living, and Learning, Mimi Barnard
Conference Spotlight
A Conversation with Ravi ZachariasA Time to Sow, a TIme to Reap, Robbie Castleman
Mid-Level Professionals Retreat, Wayne BarnardA Memoir from Wheaton: My Experience at New Professionals Retreat '03, Evan Perry
The President's CornerEditor's Disk
Book Review: Making the Most of College: Students Speak Their Minds, reviewed by Damon Seacott
Thinking Theologically: To Teach Consumers OR Students, Todd Ream
Spring 2003
Caryn Grimstead, Bob Neideck, Ann Snow, Skip Trudeau, Richard Twiss, Ken Fong, Stephen J. Pasiciel, Neil Friesland, Todd Ream, and Adela Hufford
College Student Issues
Campus Suicide: Lessons Learned, Caryn Grimstead, Bob Neideck, Ann Snow, and Skip TrudeauConference Spotlight
One Church Many Tribes: Following Jesus the Way God Made You, Richard TwissPursuing the Pearl, Ken Fong
Residence Life & Beyond
Building Inclusive Communities in the Residence Hall, Stephen J. PasicielFaculty Involvement in Student Development: Teaching Does Not End in the Classroom, Neil Friesland
The President's CornerEditor's Disk
ACSD Ballot
NEW COLUMN: Thinking Theologically, Todd Ream
My Senior Year; A Reflection on the First Four Years, Adela Hufford
Winter 2003
Barry Loy, Terry Williams, Jeanne Porter, Tom Neven, JR Kerr, Dana Forbes, and Jeff Doyle
The Profession
Faculty and Student Development Staff as Partners in Education, Barry LoyIs it Okay to Struggle as Student Development Professionals?, Terry Williams
Conference Spotlight
Leading Ladies: Transformative Biblical Images for Women's Leadership, Jeanne PorterMi Abuelito, Tom Neven
Campus Events
Questions Without Answers, JR KerrBook Reviews
Let Your Life Speak, reviewed by Dana ForbesMountains and Passes, reviewed by Jeff Doyle
The President's CornerEditor's Disk
Spring 2002
Siang-Yang Tan, William H. Willimon, Carolyn Arthur, Damon Seacott, and Melanie Sunukjian
Spotlight on Speakers
Heeding the Call of the Ministry of the Towel, Siang-Yang TanBeing Honest About Why We Can't All Just Get Along, William H. Willimon
Perspectives on Practices
A Christian Philosophy of Student Development: The Ongoing Discussion and Debate, Carolyn ArthurA Life Worth Living, Damon Seacott
The "State of Our Seniors" Address, Melanie Sunukjian
ACSD Matters
Executive Committee ElectionsNew Professionals Retreat
ACSD 2002 at Lee University
Regular Features
President's CornerEditor's Disk
Winter 2002
Kay Arthur, Todd Lake, Damon Seacott, Jesse Brown, Ron Coffey, and Rhonda Good
Spotlight on Speakers
How Do We Measure Up, Kay ArthurConsidering Calling
Calling vs. Career, Todd LakeGreat Expectations, Damon Seacott
Exploring Events
Man Hunt, Jesse Brown and Ron CoffeySpotlight on Seminars
From Loneliness to Solitude: The Human Equalizer, Rhonda GoodRegular Features
President's CornerEditor's Disk
ACSD Accolades
Fall 2001
Brent Ellis, Steve Austin, Randy Blackford, Brad Voyles, Sara Oyer, and Rob Loane
Ways to Grow Our Profession
Vocational Education: A New Perspective, Brent EllisForging Ahead in Student Programs, Steve Austin
Ways to Train Others
The Steps to Thinking Well are as Easy as 1-2-3, Randy BlackfordTen Things Every RA Should Know, Brad Voyles
Ways We Have Learned
I Learned Too, Sara OyerOne Year Later, Rob Loane
Regular Features
President's CornerEditor's Disk
ACSD Accolades
Winter 2001
David S. Guthrie, Laurie A. Schreiner, Jerry Pattengale, Tess Bradley, Jesse Brown, and Calvin Miller
In This Issue
The Fabric of Our Faithfulness: Part 1, David S. GuthrieWhat is the Sophomore Slump-and Why Should We Care?: Excerpted from Visible Solutions for Invisible Students: Helping Sophomores Succeed, by Laurie A. Schreiner & Jerry Pattengale
Around Campus
Servant Leadership, Tess BradleyThe 7 "Be's" of Student Leader Supervision, Jesse Brown
Spotlight on Speakers
John 7:53-8:11: The Politically Correct Version, Calvin MillerRegular Features
President's CornerEditor's Disk
ACSD Business: Placement Services 2001, Conference Thoughts: Something Old...Something New..., Submissions Sought
Fall 2000
James S. Spiegel, Ryan Hartwig, Jesse Brown, and David Craig
In This Issue
The Quest for Moral Integrity, James S. SpiegelThe Freshmen Year Experience: A Senior's Perspective, Ryan Hartwig
Around Campus
Relationship Emphasis Week, Jesse BrownSpotlight on Service
The Schuberts: Finding Passion on a Journey of Faith, David CraigRegular Features
President's CornerEditor's Disk
Annual Conference: Memories of the ACSD 2000 at Taylor University
Book Review: What Christians Think about Homosexuality
ACSD Business: Placement Services
ACSD Business: Logo Search
Spring 2000
Barry Loy, Skip Trudeau, Tim Nichols, David Johnstone, Brad Bowser, Damon Seacott, and Steve Beers
ACSD Celebrates 20 Year Anniversary
ACSD: Past, Present, Future, Barry Loy and Skip TrudeauACSD Memories, Tim Nichols
Our Scrapbook: The People, The Places, The Lives We've Touched
In This Issue
Why Do We Do the Things We Do?: Questions to be asked by the follower of Jesus, David JohnstoneBe Prepared to Prepare: Our students search for a simple faith and a simple truth, Brad Bowser and Damon Seacott
In The Field
Preparing for a Professional Transition, Steve BeersRegular Features
President's CornerEditor's Disk
Coalition of Christian College Activities (CoCCA)
News from the Regions: Spotlight on the North Central Region
ACSD Business: Executive Committee Ballot Proposed ACSD Constitution Changes
Perspective: A University of Character
Winter 2000
Eric Spiecker, Lynne Sparks, Brent D. Ellis, George D. Kuh, Edee Schulze, and Greg Bish
In This Issue
The Outward Bound "Temporary Community": A Practical Framework for Understanding Residence Life, Eric SpieckerCommunity Service Learning and Christian Higher Education, Lynne Sparks
Diversity Education: Helping Students Find a Common Ground, Brent D. Ellis
Student Bashing: An Unseemly Academic Tradition, George D. Kuh
In The Field
Gender Dynamics in the Classroom at an Evangelical Christian Liberal Arts College, Edee SchulzeAround Campus
From Service to Learning, Greg BishCoCCA Hot Tip: Celebrating Diversity
Regular Features
President's CornerEditor's Disk
Annual Conference: New Professionals Retreat
Book Review: More Light Less Heat: How Dialogue Can Transform Christian Conflicts Into Growth
Perspective: To Do, To Have, or To Be? That is the Question