Bedi Center for Teaching & Learning Excellence Dedication (2021)
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The program for the 2021 Bedi Center for Teaching & Learning Excellence dedication.
Publication Date
Taylor University
Upland, IN
Architecture | Education | Higher Education | Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Recommended Citation
Bird, Barb, "Bedi Center for Teaching & Learning Excellence Dedication (2021)" (2021). Buildings and Grounds of Taylor University. 41.

BCTLE Founders
Words spoken about each Founder at the BCTLE Dedication Service, October 9, 2021 when they received their plaques.
Steve Bedi
Tom Jones
David Gyertson
Faye Chechowich
Steve -- Your vision and heart for a center that equips and encourages faculty toward excellence in teaching significantly altered teaching at Taylor. You understood that faculty needed both encouragement and equipping in order to continuously improve, throughout their whole careers.
Your legacy is not just in the name of the Center but even more in the lives of thousands of faculty –past, present future—who are encouraged and equipped in and through the BCTLE.
Tom -- Your commitment to establishing faith-integrated teaching excellence as central to Taylor’s mission fueled your work with Steve to found the BCTLE. You worked hard to secure the BCTLE’s future by institutionally embedding it in the academic structure so that it could continue being a strong influence on faculty and Taylor’s teaching culture.
David – Your choice of using the Presidents’ Initiative endowment for this Center opened its doors. And importantly, even before the doors literally opened, you chose to commit funding to create not just a space, but an attractive physical space. Your investment in building a beautiful space demonstrated to faculty that Taylor values faculty and their development.
Faye -- You took the initial charter for the Center and brought it to life. You created programs, developed professional growth processes for faculty, and launched numerous very successful initiatives. Your innovative work showed your belief that faculty needed both practical skills and theoretical teaching & learning knowledge, and you created a BCTLE space where all faculty felt included holistically in their collective growth toward teaching excellence.
Cover photo image by Hannah Bolds