2011-12 Chapel Services Collection - Pillars - Zondervan Library - Taylor University | Taylor University Chapel | Taylor University

Chapel at Taylor encompasses all stages that students might be in their faith. Students engage in worship and scriptural teachings that further the Taylor community in a spiritually inspired way.

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Submissions from 2012

Baccalaureate Chapel: Pastor Rick Hawks, Rick Hawks, 5-11-2012

Summer of Service, Taylor University, 5-9-2012

Honors Chapel, Taylor University, 5-7-2012

Rev. Howard Kim, Howard Kim, 5-4-2012

Richard Seaman Lecture: Leland Boren, Leland Boren, 5-2-2012

Pastor Randall Gruendyke, Randall Gruendyke, 4-30-2012

Heritage Weekend: Dr. Jay Kesler, Jay Kesler, 4-27-2012

Spring Break Chapel, Taylor University, 4-25-2012

Social Justice Week Chapel, Taylor University, 4-23-2012

Youth Conference: John Vermilya, John Vermilya, 4-20-2012

Skye Jethani, Skye Jethani, 4-18-2012

Dr. Eugene Habecker, Eugene Habecker, 4-16-2012

Heather Larson, Heather Larson, 4-13-2012

Sex and the Cornfields: Pastor J. R. Briggs, J. R. Briggs, 4-12-2012

Sex and the Cornfields: Pastor J. R. Briggs, J. R. Briggs, 4-11-2012

Sex and the Cornfields: Pastor J. R. Briggs (Evening), J. R. Briggs, 4-11-2012

Pastor Randall Gruendyke, Randall Gruendyke, 4-4-2012

Pastor John Platek, John Platek, 4-2-2012

Dr. Dinesh D’Souza, Dinesh D’Souza, 3-30-2012

Dr. David Gyertson, David Gyertson, 3-28-2012

Nancy Guthrie, Nancy Guthrie, 3-26-2012

Sing and Pray, Taylor University, 3-16-2012

Dr. Josh Moody, Josh Moody, 3-14-2012

Visiting Christian Scholars Program: Dr. Leland Ryken, Leland Ryken, 3-12-2012

Lighthouse Chapel, Taylor University, 3-9-2012

Pastor Randall Gruendyke, Randall Gruendyke, 3-7-2012

Kelly Monroe Kullberg, Kelly Monroe Kullberg, 3-5-2012

Michael Flaherty, Michael Flaherty, 3-2-2012

Dr. Dane Ortlund, Dane Ortlund, 2-29-2012

Heather Sells, Heather Sells, 2-27-2012

National Student Leadership Conference: Andy Crouch, Andy Crouch, 2-24-2012

Pastor Randall Gruendyke, Randall Gruendyke, 2-22-2012

Youth Conference Focus Chapel, Taylor University, 2-20-2012

Sing and Pray, Taylor University, 2-17-2012

Dr. Eugene Habecker, Eugene Habecker, 2-15-2012

Taylor Student Organization Chapel, Taylor University, 2-13-2012

Community Outreach Chapel, Taylor University, 2-10-2012

Spiritual Renewal: Pastor Rod Van Solkema, Rod Van Solkema, 2-8-2012

Spiritual Renewal: Pastor Rod Van Solkema, Rod Van Solkema, 2-7-2012

Spiritual Renewal: Pastor Rod Van Solkema, Rod Van Solkema, 2-6-2012

Spiritual Renewal: Pastor Rod Van Solkema (Evening), Rod Van Solkema, 2-6-2012

Communications Department, Taylor University, 2-3-2012

Steve Chance, Steve Chance, 2-1-2012

Sing and Pray, Taylor University, 1-23-2012

Bob O’Bannon, Bob O’Bannon, 1-20-2012

Jon Cavangh, Jon Cavangh, 1-18-2012

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day: Dr. Michael Hammond and Dr. Tom Jones, Michael Hammond and Tom Jones, 1-16-2012

Dr. Mike Severe, Mike Severe, 1-13-2012

Dr. Kevin Diller, Kevin Diller, 1-11-2012

Dr. Joseph Pak, Joseph Pak, 1-9-2012

Dr. Barbara Bird, Barbara Bird, 1-6-2012

Dr. Jay Kesler, Jay Kesler, 1-4-2012

Submissions from 2011

Candles and Carols, Taylor University, 12-9-2011

Christmas Chapel: Music Department, Taylor University, 12-7-2011

Pastor Randall Gruendyke, Randall Gruendyke, 12-5-2011

Dr. Eugene Habecker, Eugene Habecker, 12-2-2011

World AIDS Day: Duane Crumb, Duane Crumb, 11-30-2011

Nathan Tasker, Nathan Tasker, 11-28-2011

Thanksgiving Chapel, Taylor University, 11-21-2011

Class Chapels, Taylor University, 11-18-2011

Nicole Braddock Bromley, Nicole Braddock, 11-16-2011

National Adoption Day, Taylor University, 11-14-2011

Pastor J. R. Briggs, J. R. Briggs, 11-11-2011

Pastor Randall Gruendyke, Randall Gruendyke, 11-9-2011

Katie Leigh, Katie Leigh, 11-7-2011

World Opportunities Week: Mr. Fouad Masri, Fouad Masri, 11-4-2011

World Opportunities Week: Beth Copeland, Bath Copeland, 11-2-2011

World Opportunities Week: Fouad Masri, Fouad Masri, 10-31-2011

Dr. Skip Trudeau, Skip Trudeau, 10-28-2011

Charles Simeon Sermons: Dr. Colin Smith, Colin Smith, 10-26-2011

Charles Simeon Sermons: Dr. Colin Smith, Colin Smith, 10-25-2011

Charles Simeon Sermons: Dr. Colin Smith, Colin Smith, 10-24-2011

Pastor Randall Gruendyke, Randall Gruendyke, 10-19-2011

World Opportunities Week: Vijay Thangiah, Vijay Thangiah, 10-17-2011

Homecoming: Dan Wolgemuth, Dan Wolgemuth, 10-14-2011

Sing and Pray, Taylor University, 10-12-2011

Dr. Charles Ware, Charles Ware, 10-10-2011

Pastor Wade Allen, Wade Allen, 10-7-2011

Bill Gaither, Bill Gaither, 10-5-2011

Pastor Mark Vroegop, Mark Vroegop, 10-3-2011

Parents Weekend: Wendy Soderquist Togami, Wendt Soderquist, 9-30-2011

Sing and Pray, Taylor University, 9-28-2011

C. S. Lewis Chapel: Dr. Wayne, Wayne Martindale, 9-26-2011

Pastor Randall Gruendyke, Randall Gruendyke, 9-23-2011

Dr. Kimberly Thornbury, Kimberly Thornbury, 9-21-2011

Taylor Family Chapel, Taylor University, 9-19-2011

Spiritual Renewal: Dr. Alistair Begg, Alistar Begg, 9-16-2011

Spiritual Renewal: Dr. Alistair Begg, Alistar Begg, 9-15-2011

Spiritual Renewal: Dr. Alistair Begg, Alistar Begg, 9-14-2011

Spiritual Renewal: Dr. Alistair Begg (Evening), Alistar Begg, 9-14-2011

Jonathan Bouw, Jonathan Bouw, 9-12-2011

Taylor World Outreach Chapel, Taylor University, 9-9-2011

Dr. Jay Kesler, Jay Kesler, 9-7-2011

Dr. James Spiegel, James Spiegel, 9-2-2011

Dr. Eugene Habecker, Eugene Habecker, 8-31-2011

All University Communion, Taylor University, 8-28-2011