2014-15 Chapel Services Collection - Pillars - Zondervan Library - Taylor University | Taylor University Chapel | Taylor University

Chapel at Taylor encompasses all stages that students might be in their faith. Students engage in worship and scriptural teachings that further the Taylor community in a spiritually inspired way.

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Submissions from 2015

Baccalaureate: Aaron Housholder, Aaron Housholder, 5-15-2015

Summer of Service: Greg Jao, Greg Joa, 5-13-2015

Honors Chapel, Taylor University, 5-11-2015

Dr. Eugene Habecker, Eugene Habecker, 5-8-2015

Dr. Skip Trudeau, Skip Trudeau, 5-6-2015

Senior Share, Kidane Sarko, Ashley Rudd, and Andrew Whitworth, 5-4-2015

Spring Break Missions Chapel, Taylor University, 5-1-2015

Drew Hart, Drew Hart, 4-29-2015

Rick Seaman Lecture: Theresa Wagler, Theresa Wagler, 4-27-2015

Heritage Weekend & Grandparents Day: Dr. Jay Kesler, Jay Kesler, 4-24-2015

Dr. Greg MaGee, Greg MaGee, 4-22-2015

Dr. Michael Hammond, Michael Hammond, 4-20-2015

Youth Conference: Pastor Jared McCaleb, Jared McCaleb, 4-17-2015

Steven Garber, Steven Garber, 4-15-2015

World Religions Week: Fouad Masri, Fouad Masri, 4-13-2015

Fitzgerald Lecture: Soren Johnson, Soren Johnson, 4-10-2015

Bishop Ed Little, Ed Little, 4-8-2015

Prayer & Praise, Taylor University, 3-27-2015

Charles Simeon Series: Dr. Con Campbell, Don Campbell, 3-25-2015

Charles Simeon Series: Dr. Con Campbell, Don Campbell, 3-24-2015

Charles Simeon Series: Dr. Con Campbell, Don Campbell, 3-23-2015

Charles Simeon Series: Dr. Con Campbell, Don Campbell, 3-23-2015

Ross Chapman & Thad Fennig, Ross Chapman and Thad Fennig, 3-20-2015

Lighthouse Chapel, Taylor University, 3-18-2015

Dr. Francis Su, Francis Su, 3-16-2015

Prayer & Praise, Taylor University, 3-13-2015

Ethics Bowl with Jim Spiegel, Jim Spiegel, 3-11-2015

Jeff Brooke, Jeff Brooke, 3-9-2015

Youth Conference Focus: Zach West, Zach West, 3-6-2015

Financial Summit: J.R. Briggs & Dave Briggs, J. R. Briggs and Dave Briggs, 3-4-2015

Social Justice: Liz Forkin Bohannan, Liz Forkin, 3-2-2015

National Student Leadership Conference: Bob Goff, Bob Goff, 2-27-2015

Professor Angela Shannon, Angela Shannon, 2-25-2015

Community Outreach: Pastor Rob Neel, Rob Neel, 2-23-2015

Steve Chance, Steve Chance, 2-20-2015

Spiritual Renewal Week: Dan Wolgemuth, Dan Wolgemuth, 2-18-2015

Spiritual Renewal Week: Dan Wolgemuth (Evening), Dan Wolgemuth, 2-17-2015

Spiritual Renewal Week: Dan Wolgemuth, Dan Wolgemuth, 2-16-2015

Spiritual Renewal Week: Dan Wolgemuth (Evening), Dan Wolgemuth, 2-16-2015

Jill Hamilton, Jill Hamilton, 2-13-2015

OneVerse Ache NT Dedication & Celebration: Dr. Victor Gomez, Victor Gomez, 2-11-2015

Prayer & Praise, Taylor University, 2-9-2015

Pastor Ed Glover, Ed Glover, 2-6-2015

Dr. Jay Kesler, Jay Kesler, 2-4-2015

Dr. Eugene Habecker, Eugene Habecker, 2-2-2015

Student Share & Worship, Taylor University, 1-28-2015

Aaron Housholder, Aaron Housholder, 1-26-2015

Ryan & Sara James, Ryan James and Sara James, 1-23-2015

Steve Deneff, Steve DeNeff, 1-21-2015

Mark Soderquist, Mark Soderquist, 1-19-2015

Darrin Campbell, Darrin Campbell, 1-16-2015

Andrew Draper, Andrew Draper, 1-14-2015

Eric Hernandez, Eric Hernandez, 1-12-2015

Silence & Solitude, Taylor University, 1-9-2015

Phil Collins, Phil Collins, 1-7-2015

Jim Spiegel and Faculty/Staff Stories, Jim Spiegel, 1-5-2015

Submissions from 2014

Candles and Carols, Taylor University, 12-5-2014

Christmas Chapel, Taylor University, 12-3-2014

World AIDS Day: Dr. Alice Cosgrove, Alice Cosgrove, 12-1-2014

Thanksgiving Chapel, Taylor University, 11-24-2014

Marylou Habecker, Marylou Habecker, 11-21-2014

Dr. Skip Trudeau, Skip Trudeau, 11-19-2014

Lisa Toney, Lisa Toney, 11-17-2014

Prayer & Praise, Taylor University, 11-14-2014

Nicole Braddock Bromley, Nicole Braddock Bromley, 11-12-2014

Dr. Eugene Habecker, Eugene Habecker, 11-10-2014

World Opportunities Week: Patrick O’Connell, Patrick O’Connell, 11-7-2014

World Opportunities Week: Lindsey Mcaleese and Susan McCurry, Lindsey Mcaleese and Susan McCurry, 11-5-2014

World Opportunities Week: Scott Goldsworthy, Scott Goldsworthy, 11-3-2014

Dr. Richard Smith, Richard Smith, 10-31-2014

Josh Riebock, Josh Riebock, 10-29-2014

Vijay Thangtah, Vijay Thangtah, 10-27-2014

Caleb France, Caleb France, 10-24-2014

World Opportunities Week: Dr. Ed Meadors, Ed Meadors, 10-22-2014

Dr. Brad Seeman, Brad Seeman, 10-20-2014

Homecoming Chapel, Taylor University, 10-17-2014

Family Chapel, Nate Chu, Ashley Chu, David Neville, Arial Neville, and David Wood, 10-15-2014

Dr. David Sparks, David Sparks, 10-13-2014

Prayer & Praise, Taylor University, 10-8-2014

Dr. Kevin Radaker, Kevin Radaker, 10-6-2014

Dr. Richard Allen Farmer, Richard Allen Farmer, 10-3-2014

Christopher Horst, Christopher Horst, 10-1-2014

Celby Hadley, Celby Sadly, 9-29-2014

Pastor J.R. Briggs, J. R. Briggs, 9-26-2014

Spiritual Renewal Week: Heather Larson, Heather Larson, 9-24-2014

Spiritual Renewal Week: Heather Larson, Heather Larson, 9-23-2014

Spiritual Renewal Week: Heather Larson, Heather Larson, 9-22-2014

Spiritual Renewal Week: Heather Larson (Evening), Heather Larson, 9-22-2014

Kathy Resler-Chambliss, Kathy Resler-Chambliss, 9-19-2014

Ambassador Tony Hall, Tony Hall, 9-17-2014

Taylor World Outreach, Taylor University, 9-15-2014

Chapel on Chapel, Taylor University, 9-12-2014

Bill Carmichael, Bill Carmichael, 9-10-2014

Pastor Stephen Webster, Stephen Webster, 9-8-2014

Pastor Kevin Butcher, Kevin Butcher, 9-5-2014

Dr. Jay Kesler, Jay Kesler, 9-3-2014

Faculty Chapel, Taylor University, 8-29-2014

Dr. Eugene Habecker, Eugene Habecker, 8-27-2014