Dr. Daniel White Hodge


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Dr. Daniel White Hodge speaks on King Nebuchadnezzar and how empire and traditions can influence our faith.

Daniel White Hodge PhD is the Director of the Center for Youth Ministry Studies and Assistant Professor of Youth Ministry at North Park University. Dan teaches classes around the world on subjects such as youth ministry studies, Black popular culture, Post-civil rights culture, Hip Hop discourse, and race/ ethnicity within American Christianity. His two current books are Heaven Has A Ghetto: The Missiological Gospel & Theology of Tupac Amaru Shakur (VDM 2009), and The Soul Of Hip Hop: Rimbs, Timbs, & A Cultural Theology (IVP 2010). He is currently working on a book titled The Hostile Gospel: Exploring Socio-Theological Traits in the Post-Soul Context of Hip Hop (Brill Academic late 2015).
