2018-19 Chapel Services Collection - Pillars - Zondervan Library - Taylor University | Taylor University Chapel | Taylor University

Chapel at Taylor encompasses all stages that students might be in their faith. Students engage in worship and scriptural teachings that further the Taylor community in a spiritually inspired way.

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Submissions from 2019

Baccalaureate Chapel, Taylor University, 5-10-2019

Senior Share, Taylor University, 5-8-2019

Honors Chapel, Taylor University, 5-6-2019

Ray Fitzgerald Series: Ray LaHood, Ray LaHood, 5-3-2019

Sing, Pray & Reflection, Taylor University, 5-1-2019

Spring Break Chapel, Taylor University, 4-29-2019

Grandparents Day: Dick Gygi, Dick Gygi, 4-26-2019

Dr. Lowell Haines, Paul Lowell Haines, 4-24-2019

Easter Chapel, Taylor University, 4-17-2019

Rick Seaman Lecture Series: Jonathan Beukelman, Jonathan Beukelman, 4-15-2019

Rev. Dr. Cory Hartman, Cory Hartman, 4-12-2019

Katie Taylor, Katie Taylor, 4-10-2019

World Opportunities: Rev. Joyce Tonui, Joyce Tonui, 4-8-2019

Rev. J.R. Briggs, J. R. Briggs, 4-5-2019

Sing, Pray & Reflection, Taylor University, 4-3-2019

Dr. Greg MaGee, Greg MaGee, 4-1-2019

Dr. Katherine Hayhoe, Katherine Hayhoe, 3-29-2019

Sexuality and the Body: Pastor Nirup Alphonse, Nirup Alphonse, 3-27-2019

Sexuality and the Body: Dr. Mark Cosgrove, Mark Cosgrove, 3-26-2019

Sexuality and the Body: Dr. Dawn Anderson (Evening), Dawn Anderson, 3-25-2019

Sexuality and the Body: Dr. Steve Deneff, Steve Deneff, 3-25-2019

Rev. Jon Cavanagh, Jon Cavanagh, 3-15-2019

Andrew Falk, Andrew Falk, 3-13-2019

Rev. Matt Massey, Matt Massey, 3-11-2019

Envision Film Festival: Dan & Peggy Rupple, Dan Rupple and Peggy Rupple, 3-8-2019

Beth Guckenberger, Beth Guckenberger, 3-6-2019

Dennis Cochrane, Dennis Cochrane, 3-4-2019

Lighthouse Share, Taylor University, 3-1-2019

Sing, Pray & Reflection, Taylor University, 2-27-2019

World Opportunities: Sandy Emmett, Sandy Emmett, 2-25-2019

Pastor John Ramsey, John Ramsey, 2-22-2019

Rev. Jon Cavanagh, Jon Cavanagh, 2-20-2019

Pastor Robert Gelinas, Robert Gelinas, 2-18-2019

NSLC: Skye Jethani, Skye Jethani, 2-15-2019

Community Outreach: Dr. Bob Aronson, Bob Aronson, 2-13-2019

Halbrook Lecture: Tim Goeglein, Tim Goeglein, 2-11-2019

Pastor Derrick Puckett, Derrick Puckett, 2-8-2019

Spiritual Renewal: Pastor Josh Moody, Josh Moody, 2-6-2019

Spiritual Renewal: Pastor Josh Moody, Josh Moody, 2-5-2019

Spiritual Renewal: Pastor Josh Moody, Josh Moody, 2-4-2019

Spiritual Renewal: Pastor Josh Moody (Evening), Josh Moody, 2-4-2019

Ralf Etinenne, Ralf Etinenne, 2-1-2019

Sing, Pray & Reflection, Taylor University, 1-23-2019

Martin Luther King Jr. Day: Dr. Rusty Hawkins, Rusty Hawkins, 1-21-2019

Pastor Rob Neel, Rob Neel, 1-18-2019

Diane Dungan, Diane Dungan, 1-16-2019

Dr. Drew Moser, Drew Moser, 1-14-2019

Vincent Sichula, Vincent Sichula, 1-11-2019

Rev. Dan Blosser, Dan Blosser, 1-9-2019

Jay Link, Jay Link, 1-7-2019

Rev. Jon Cavanagh, Jon Cavanagh, 1-4-2019

Submissions from 2018

Candles and Carols, Taylor University, 12-7-2018

Christmas Chapel, Taylor University, 12-5-2018

Rev. David Neville, David Neville, 12-3-2018

Rev. Jon Cavanagh, Jon Cavanagh, 11-30-2018

Chris and Cindy Haughey, Chris Haughey and Cindy Haughey, 11-28-2018

All-Campus Prayer, Taylor University, 11-26-2018

Thanksgiving Chapel, Taylor University, 11-19-2018

Sing, Pray & Reflection, Taylor University, 11-16-2018

Dr. Lowell Haines, Paul Lowell Haines, 11-14-2018

Peter Noonan, Peter Noonan, 11-12-2018

Dr. Steve Garber, Steve Garber, 11-9-2018

Jerome Flewelling, Jerome Flewelling, 11-7-2018

World Opportunities: Anwar Smith, Anwar Smith, 11-5-2018

Tim Tebow, Tim Tebow, 11-2-2018

C. S. Lewis Chapel: Rev. Dr. Laura A. Smit, Laura A. Smit, 10-31-2018

Sing, Pray & Reflection, Taylor University, 10-29-2018

Bethany Jenkins, Bethany Jenkins, 10-26-2018

May Young, May Young, 10-24-2018

Pastor Brian Zehr, Brian Zehr, 10-17-2018

Pastor Steve Norman, Steve Norman, 10-15-2018

Campus Worship: Pastor Steve Norman, Steve Norman, 10-14-2018

Homecoming/Family Weekend: Alumni Award Winners, Taylor University, 10-12-2018

Class of 1968, Taylor University, 10-10-2018

Dr. Tom Jones, Tom Jones, 10-8-2018

Scripture Engagement Chapel, Taylor University, 10-5-2018

TU Family Chapel, Taylor University, 10-3-2018

Sons of Korah, Taylor University, 10-1-2018

World Opportunities: Marlon Brown, Marlon Brown, 9-28-2018

Sing, Pray & Reflection, Taylor University, 9-26-2018

Rev. Jon Cavanagh, Jon Cavanagh, 9-24-2018

Local Church Week: Pastor Nirup Alphonse, Nirup Alphonse, 9-21-2018

Local Church Week Pastor Andre Mitchell, Andre Mitchell, 9-19-2018

Local Church Week: Pastor Matt Carder, Matt Carder, 9-17-2018

Taylor World Outreach: Jenny Collins, Jenny Collins, 9-14-2018

Spiritual Renewal: Pastor John Ramsey, John Ramsey, 9-12-2018

Spiritual Renewal: Pastor John Ramsey, John Ramsey, 9-11-2018

Spiritual Renewal: Pastor John Ramsey, John Ramsey, 9-10-2018

Spiritual Renewal: Pastor John Ramsey (Evening), John Ramsey, 9-10-2018

Rev. Jon Cavanagh, Jon Cavanagh, 9-7-2018

Dr. Gene Habecker, Eugene Habecker, 9-5-2018

Faculty Chapel, Grace Miller, 8-31-2018

Opening Chapel, Paul Lowell Haines, 8-29-2018