Dr. J.R. Briggs

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Dr. J.R. Briggs possesses four passions: Following Jesus, equipping and investing in hungry kingdom leaders, growing fruit on other people’s trees, and creating good kingdom mischief. In short, his calling is to partner with people who are called to follow Jesus while they lead others.

In 2011 he started Kairos Partnerships, an organization committed to serving hungry kingdom leaders through leadership coaching, consulting, speaking, teaching, equipping and writing.

For more than 15 years, J.R. served in pastoral roles in mega-churches, church plants and house church networks. Since starting Kairos Partnerships, he has served and invested in pastors and kingdom leaders in over 40 denominations throughout North America.

In addition to pastors and church planters, he has also invested in a wide variety of leaders, including business owners, U.S. Olympic athletes, business owners, university administrators, non-profit directors, athletic directors, and attorneys.
