"Equipping and Mobilizing Parents and Guardians of Middle Schoolers to " by Mary Kate Hipp

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Parents within the church are facing a pandemic of feelings of inadequacy in terms of discipling their teens. Modern culture has largely shifted responsibilities away from parents and onto professionals at church, for developing the spiritual dimension of their adolescent. Yet, the familial influence of an adolescent supersedes the influence of any youth worker. Youth workers should neither be the foundation of an adolescent’s spirituality nor the cosmetic finishing. In a Christian home, parents and guardians have the high privilege to influence and lead the spiritual formation of their children. The church was granted the high privilege and honor to equip the saints so that the body of Christ may be build up (Eph 4:11-12). A relationship between families and the church in the role of spiritual formation is essential. This philosophy of ministry proposes a ministry that equips parents to practice the ministry of discipleship at home.


Course: CMI 421, Philosophy & Strategy of Christian Ministries (Dr. Hank Voss)
