Pillars at Taylor University - Colloquium Schedules: Plenary: C.S. Lewis and Joy Davidman Disagree about a Phoenix

Event Title

Plenary: C.S. Lewis and Joy Davidman Disagree about a Phoenix

Presenter Information

Joe ChristopherFollow


Euler 109

Start Date

1-6-2018 2:00 PM


Although Don W. King, in his edition of Joy Davidman’s poems, dates it as 1938 (with a question mark), Davidman’s Love Sonnet No. XXI is actually a reply to C. S. Lewis’s “The Phoenix Flew into my Garden.” Charlie Starr, based on Lewis’s handwriting, dates the Lewis poem to the 1950-1956 period. Actually, both poems are probably from early 1954. The contents of the two, besides being important for the dating, are of interest themselves.

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Jun 1st, 2:00 PM

Plenary: C.S. Lewis and Joy Davidman Disagree about a Phoenix

Euler 109

Although Don W. King, in his edition of Joy Davidman’s poems, dates it as 1938 (with a question mark), Davidman’s Love Sonnet No. XXI is actually a reply to C. S. Lewis’s “The Phoenix Flew into my Garden.” Charlie Starr, based on Lewis’s handwriting, dates the Lewis poem to the 1950-1956 period. Actually, both poems are probably from early 1954. The contents of the two, besides being important for the dating, are of interest themselves.