"The Echo: June 11, 1926" by Taylor University



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Who’s Who In The Senior Class — The Thomases In Charge of Afternoon Chapel — Problems of Missions in India — Sermons By Our Georgia Evangelist — Presentation of Hiawatha — Taylor Commencement June 13 to 16 — Eicher Re-Elected President of Class of ’27 — Great Messages Given By Dr. William Huff — Russian Minster Visits Taylor— Missionary Messages From China — Thalos Win Two Games And Series— The Master’s “Well Done” — Jones Elected President of Minsterial Association — Ockenga President of Eulogonians — Soangetahas Elect Miss Coghlan President — Election of Officers in Prayer Band — Eurekans Elect Rose Fall Term President — Mnankas Elect Officers — Boyll Chosen President of Athletic Association — Holiness League

Note: Parts of pages 1-4 are torn away.

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Taylor University


Upland, IN






Echo, Taylor University, Upland, campus news, alumni news, alumni births, alumni marriages, alumni deaths, alumni jobs, advertisements, campus events, campus speakers, student life, chapel, faculty news, student news, campus news, student organizations, literary societies, Philalethean Literary Society, Thalonian Literary Society, athletics, intramural sports, debate clubs, Soangetaha Debate Club, Mnanka Debate Club, Eulogonian Debate Club, Eureka Debate Club, Prayer Band, Holiness League, Student Volunteer Band, Gospel Teams, Ministerial Association, politics, culture, missions, missionaries, inter-club debates, intercollegiate debates, debates, current events, evangelism, Holiness Movement, chronicle of events, calendar, calendar, campus calendar, student recruitment, Walter Russel, Seniors, John Thomas, Korea, Charles M. Dunaway, commencement speakers, commencement schedule, commencement, Harold Paul Sloan, Hiawatha, Choral Society, Junior Class, Bert Eicher, William H. Huff, George Edie, Russian, Mary Stone, purpose, Raymond Sturgis, Elmore Eicher, international students, India, Orlo Rupp, Herbert Lyon, Frank Wells, Hattie Seaver, Dorwin Whitenack, Helen Wing, Helen Shoemaker, Maurice Jones, student organization elections, student class elections, baseball, Harold Ockenga, Alber Eicher, Harrison Tyalor, J. Morris Nelson, John Bynton, Ralph Hunt, Harrison Wilcox, Robert Clark, John Shilling, Carrol Own, L. C. Underhill, Margaret Coghlan, Helen Brown, Olive Speicher, Gladys Newanschwander, Mildred Sliter, Melvina Cleason, Gertrude Jackson, Catherine Ward, Anna Osmun, Mary E. Beebe, Clara French, David Clench, Josephine Deyo, Ruth Young, Anna Osman, Russel Metcalfe, Sara Thompson, Frank Buckley, Norman Rose, Marcius E. Taber, Paul K. Whitaker, Milo Sprunger, Lester Clough, Ivan White, Stanley R. Tippett, Lawrence R. Boyll, Nelson Burns, Clarence W. Williams, Frank S. Lewis Jr., Earl Allen, Everett P. Shilliday, Ernest W. Hamilton, Frances Thomas, Grace Olson, Rachel York, Alice Weber, Bertha Howe, Ruby Breland, Dorothy Atkinson, Ida Marie Speen, Evelyn Duryea, Hazel Lewis, Hazel Chamberlain, Mildred Kellar, Mabel Gray, Louise Hazelton, Clara French, Anna Steward, Dorothy Jensen. Ethel Morre, Lawrene Boyll, Evelyn Duryea, Neva Kletzing, Leon Manning, Russell Metcalfe, John Paul Owen, Bert Eicher, Paul Whitaker, Kenneth Kinnaman, John Shilling, Ida Marie Spreen, David Clench, Alva Beets, William Hawkes, Velma Fields, George Edie, Edward Eaton, Helen Burns, Clarence Williams


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The Echo: June 11, 1926


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