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Gov. Jackson to Speak -- Miss Phillips Reads Peg O' My Heart -- Prof. Pogue Speaker On Boston University Program -- Governer of Indiana to Give Opening Address -- Allen Elected Philo President -- Robert Clark to Head Thalos -- Eurekas Elect Allen President -- Seniors Entertained at Leisures' Home -- Thalonian Seniors Present Program -- Stetson Elected Eulog President -- Domestic Science to Exhibit June 8 -- L.H. Jones Reads Bacon's Lightnin' -- Juniors Entertain Seniors in Recreation Hall -- Art Department to Hold Exhibit -- Stetson to Publish Echo Next Year -- Taylor Student Reported as Chicken Thief -- From Other Colleges -- Reflection -- The Inquiring Reporter -- Classes, Where is your Pep? -- In Appreciation -- Changes in Next Year's Program -- Open Form -- The Spring Convention -- The Commencement -- An Apprecation by Eleanor Patterson -- Dr. Ayres Has Closing Prayer Service -- Prof. Cline is Honored by Students -- Music Students Entertained by Miss Bothwell -- K.E. Maynard to Continue President of Ministerial Association for Fall Term -- Returned Missionary Speaks -- Hamilton Leads Holiness League -- Freshmen Hold Party at Spring -- Prayer Band -- Students Entertained at Himelicks -- Ho, Spring! -- Final Game of Series Postponed -- Library Notes -- Philo Eliminations Progressing Nicely -- Tennis Tournament to be Held Soon

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Taylor University


Upland, IN






Education | Higher Education

The Echo: June 7, 1927

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