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May Day Edition

Second Annual May Day Held Here Tomorrow – Forensic Schedule Arranged Recently – First Public Recital Presented – Taylorites Represent School In Sunday Program Over WOWO – Men’s “Open House” Draws Large Crowd – College Glee Club Presents Program – Girls Hold Debate Banquet In Marion – Howard to Teach In Upland High School – Dr. and Mrs. Wengatz Visit Friends Here – Bishop Brown to Be Baccalaureate Speaker, June 3 – Seniors Celebrate With Holiday Trip – Our May Day – Think For Yourself – Staff Elections – Hub-Dubs – Alumni News – Dr. John Wengatz Speaks in Chapel – Among Our Profs – Stuart Gives Fine Spiritual Message – Attractive Museum Classified – Bishop Addresses Ministerial Group – Thalos and Philos Give Fine Program On Friday Evening – Rev. Fox Speaks In Thurs. Eve. Meet – Walker Museum Reorganized By Recent Changes – Trojan Nine Loses Game to Concordia – Tennis Team Loses To Forester Squad – Tay’r Track Team Loses Close Meet – Ball Frosh Win 3-Way Meet Here Saturday – Coach Takes Team To State Contest – Foresters to Play Trojans Tomorrow

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Taylor University


Upland, IN






Education | Higher Education

The Echo: May 17, 1934

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