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15th Annual Youth Conference Will Open Friday – Thalos to Present Annual Play – New Literary Society Holds Election – “Consider Christ” – Student Council Extends Welcome – Delegates To Attend Mock U.N. At Chicago – Sophs to Take Comprehensives Next Week – 7 P. M. Fellowship Hour Will Begin Busy Weekend – St. Paul Choral Club to Sing Here March 22 – President Meredith Back – David Paul Zook – Editorials – Teamwork – Prexy Says – The Corner Stone – A Cappella Choir – Concert Tour Planned – Youth Conference Had Unique Beginning – Co-Chairman Voice Testimonies – Meet the Co-Chairmen – Past Youth Conferences – Fire Precautions – Women’s Basketball Summary – Juniors to Present “Live of St. Paul” – The Game – Spring Baseball Practice Opens – Cedarville Noses Out Taylor 70-68 – Girls Undefeated During Season – Commuters Win Intramural Tourney – Extensive Sports Program Planned – T.U. Gym Team Gives Exhibition At High School – Marty’s Ladditudes – An Exciting Incident In My Childhood – Introducing… -- Philos Give Excellent Operetta Performance – Norris-Winters Vows Solemnized – Ten Commandments For The Unmarried

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Taylor University


Upland, IN






Education | Higher Education

The Echo: March 10, 1948

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