The Echo: April 25, 2022

The Echo: April 25, 2022

Taylor University


Senior, faculty awards to take different shape — Open positions filled for upcoming school year — Upland building town down — BSU to host ‘Expressions’ event this Friday — Pulliam donates $120k toward journalism scholarships — OIP starts group to support adopted students — Getting to know Maxwell and his family — Scholarships exceed $3 million for 2022 year — Mentorship reflects Christ’s love — Experiencing a broader horizon — Living with a posture of humility — ‘Everything Everywhere’ blends big actions with heart — Fine Arts Feature — Theatre finishes production season with ‘Annie’ — Spring Greens: A dorm guide to houseplants — foodie fix — Covid-19 allows athletes an extra year — Taylor baseball looking to end its season strong — Colts Corner: Will bold offseason moves lead to confetti?