"Taylor University: The First 150 Years" by William C. Ringenberg



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"It is difficult to see any need for Taylor during its first years," the author contends. The sparsely populated state of Indiana in 1846 already had several Protestant colleges and a state university, and each of these institutions professed a Christian philosophical orientation. But the need for the school "up beyond the village border" soon became clear.

The intellectual revolution at the turn-of-the-century cracked the spiritual foundations of major universities and even many church-related colleges, and it caused the Christian world view to lose its place of dominance.

The subsequent de-humanizing of education and the inability of secular higher education to guide students in their quest for meaning contrasted sharply with the spirit and campus life of Taylor with its emphasis upon "whole person" education.

Though Taylor has always been faithful to its Christian mission, nevertheless it has been operated by mortals whose deeds--sometimes very admirable, sometimes otherwise--are chronicled with responsible candor. Since those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it, Dr. Ringenberg's honest assessment of the past gives credence to the steadfast conviction that for Taylor, "the best is yet to be."



Publication Date



William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company and The Taylor University Press


Grand Rapids, Michigan and Upland, Indiana


Taylor University (Upland, Ind.) History; Taylor University (Upland, Ind.); Methodist universities and colleges Indiana Upland History; History


Education | Higher Education | History of Religion

Taylor University: The First 150 Years


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