
Submission Process

Authors submit their manuscript via the Pillars online submission form. After this form is completed, submissions will be reviewed by the Lux et Fides: A Journal for Undergraduate Christian Scholars Editorial Board before being distributed to qualified reviewers with discipline-related expertise through a double-blind faculty review process. Reviewers will submit recommendations for revision, which are returned to the author via the Editorial Board.

After the review has been returned to the Editorial Board, the author will receive their publication decision, which will generally include a request for revision or a request for second review if the revisions are substantial. Following submission of the revised manuscript, the piece will be edited for language and clarity before publication.

Depending on the manuscript’s review time, revision requirements, and revision time, authors can expect the full process to take 2-3 months. Authors will receive updates from the Editorial Board as their manuscript moves through the review process.

Submitted Articles MUST:

  • Be research-based; that is, based on an analysis that draws new conclusions or interpretations, or original reflections on an undergraduate research experience;
  • Be between 3500-5000 words, excluding references or appendices;
  • Submission format is DOCX, Times New Roman, 12 pt, double spaced.
  • Be endorsed by a current faculty member Taylor University;
  • Be approved by the Institutional Review Board, if necessary.

Submissions MUST Include:

  • Properly-formatted manuscript in .docx format utilizing the Lux et Fides: A Journal for Undergraduate Christian Scholars
  • Abstract (250 words maximum)
  • Author biography (approximately 50-100 words, written in third-person)
  • Appropriate supplementary paperwork (e.g., IRB approval letter, Publication Permission Form)