"Learning to Live Together: Measuring Global Perspective Through Roomma" by Drew Crane

Master of Arts in Higher Education (MAHE) Theses

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)

First Advisor

Christopher Viers

Second Advisor

Scott Gaier

Third Advisor

Drew Moser


The present study examined the role of global perspective development on college students, focusing on international and domestic student roommate pairings. The literature review explored the role of global citizen development among college students, international student transitions, and the role of residence life in college student development, as well as how all these aspects inform and impact development of global perspective. The methodology utilized a mixed methods approach including both quantitative pretest and posttest surveys and qualitative interview questions. The quantitative data utilized the Global Perspective Inventory (GPI), while the qualitative included two email interview questions. According to the key findings, domestic students both quantitatively and qualitatively proved to have an increased global perspective, while international students’ global perspective both quantitatively and qualitatively did not increase.
