Taylor University COVID-19 Community Archive Video and Audio Contributions - Pillars - Zondervan Library - Taylor University | Taylor University COVID-19 Community Archive | Taylor University

Welcome to the Taylor University COVID-19 Community Archive Initiative, organized by the Ringenberg Archives & Special Collections. The goal of this project is to create a community archive that will collect, preserve, and make accessible the story of Taylor University during this unprecedented time.

Learn more about this initiative by visiting https://library.taylor.edu/archives/pandemic-community-archive

Submit work by completing the Content Submission Form: https://taylor.libwizard.com/f/submission-permission-form-pandemi

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Submissions from 2020


Greeting to Taylor Alumni (video), Taylor University - Alumni Relations

To all our Taylor alumni…


Hello from Taylor Faculty and Staff (video), Taylor University -

Students - our staff and faculty love and miss you! We want you to know we're praying for you and we look forward to seeing you again soon. Until then, here’s a little message from us to you - courtesy of Film & Media major Abby McCormic '21. If you could get a wave from a Taylor professor, who would be on your list?


Taylor Purple is Blue (video), Carol Sisson and Reed Spencer - Faculty

Working daily in my empty department, surrounded by a beautiful but achingly empty campus, I decided that I needed some fun diversion. This was a long time favorite song, so I got copyright permission to change the lyrics to show the poignancy (yet humor) in our situation. I found a talented and creative high school student, Thane Syswerda, then sought the assistance of the amazing vocalist, Dr. Reed Spencer, and acquired my cast: Dr. Ed Meadors, Dr. Jeff Cramer, and Dr. Kevin Diller, who all three are always up for something fun and creative. We coined ourselves the "One Take Wonders" because Thane captured what we needed usually on the first time. He did a wonderful job editing it. Reed sang it beyond perfection for the situation, and my cast added their personality and flair.