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Student scrapbook, covering the years 1938 through 1940. The most commonly photographed person appears to be Gwendolyn Ruth Niebel, and it is most probable the scrapbook belonged to her. She was a student from 1937-1940 and graduated with a Bachelors of Science in Education. Her hometown was Dunkirk, New York. She was an active part of the Cheerleading Team, belonged to the Philalethean Literary Society, Mnanka Debate Club, Vesper Choir, and Education Club.

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Upland, IN


Faculty, student life, photographs, building and grounds, buildings, campus, arbor day, campus events, events, administration building, sunken garden, Magee-Campbell-Wisconsin dormitory, MCW, dormitories, residence halls, Maytag Gymnasium, Emma Alsaugh, James Alspaugh, Catherine Chappell, Ernestine Pask, chapel, roommates, Jo Ladd, Methodist Episcopal Church, greenhouse, banquets, student organizations, literary societies, Philalethean Literary Society, freshmen, sophomores, Thalonian Literary Society, graduation, athletics, T-Club, The Echo, weddings, choir, Vesper Choir, all school chorus, engagements, summer, student recreation, baseball, opera, plays, cheerleaders, Thanksgiving, debate clubs, Mnanka Debate Club, Gwendolyn Ruth Niebel


Education | Higher Education

Scrapbook (1938-1940)