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This scrapbook features an enormous collection of programs from campus events at Taylor University from 1907-1935. In addition, it contains several articles of interest from various University Publications, but also includes publications from student organizations such as the literary societies. Probably compiled by faculty, staff, or a spouse of one, it focuses primarily on senior performances, commencement, oratorical and vocal contests, and expression, theatre, and music related performances.

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Upland, IN


Programs, recitals, commencement, events, oratorical contests, Alumni Association, Gradual Recital, graduate exercises, Taylor Academy, academic departments, memorials, Bishop William Taylor, receptions, student organizations, student life, campus events, Senior Class, Junior Class, music recitals, expression, theater, performances, Expression club, registration, Taylor University Bulletin, Philalethean Literary Society, literary societies, Diana McNeil Pierson, articles, missionaries, mission schools, Student Volunteer Conference, quartettes, Junior recitals, Senior recitals, vocal contests, contests, brochures, Choral Society, concerts, preachings, Thalonian Literary Society, The Echo, Echo Staff, Thalonian Review, Glee Club, Orchestra, Taylor Theatre, Taming of the Shrew, class catalogue, Angel in Ebony, Samuel Morris, Sammy Morris, Mastodon, Student Volunteer Union, Alumni, Alumni Stories, athletics, investments, finances, Dramatic Club, calendar of events, The Philalethean Standard, plays, basketball, inter-society contests, comedians, speakers, Christmas Pageant, Muncie-Taylor Day, inauguration, Robert Lee Stuart, college presidents, Gospel League, tracts, Baccalaureate, Anderson-Taylor University Day, Welsh Imperial Singers, Alumni News, University Publications, Ministerial Association, Taylor Missionary Society


Education | Higher Education

Scrapbook (1907-1935)