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The Spring 1988 edition of Taylor Magazine, published by Taylor University in Upland, Indiana.





Publication Date

Spring 1988


Taylor University




missionaries, births, weddings, deaths, Taylor University, Alumni, U.S. News & World Report, ranking, liberal arts, higher education, Christian Higher Education, book reviews, impact, vision, transfer students, Ford, leadership, events, history, Rob Muthiah, students, Walter Randall, faculty, new faculty, Writing Program, Christian College Consortium, President’s Associates, giving, donations, gifts, Endowment Fund, Christian Life Conference, athletics, sports, golf, Trojans, Trojan Club, Cross Country, Football, Soccer, Tennis, Volleyball, health center, student loans, high school students, conferences, events, A Jay Kesler Christmas Special, job openings, basketball, Avis Industrial, Daniel Jeran, appointments, job openings, adult students, student stories, student experiences, transferring colleges, Allan Bloom, The Closing of the American mind, NFL, Cincinnati Bengals, Abraham Lincoln, Hugh McCulloch, Fort Wayne, Thaddeus Reade, Henry O’Neill, Forrest Jackson, Taylor Club, Ruth Ellen Nussbaum, tributes, biography, obituary, Iris Abbey, Milo A. Rediger, honors, speakers, Sergei Avrutin, immigrants


Education | Higher Education


In this issue:

Editor’s Note by Kurt Bullock ’81

News & Information

Liberal Arts in the Taylor Context by Dr. Jay L. Kesler, President

Liberal Arts Education in the 21st Century an interview with Dr. Carl Lundquist by Dr. Richard Stanislaw

The Closing of the American Mind by Dr. Richard Stanislaw

Not Quite Heaven by Philip Herman ‘88

So What’s the Difference? with Chad Bailey, Cindy Jahn, Dionne Grant, David Dickinson, Shannon Ford, Eric Graham, Jill Bolton, and Pam Westering

Quality is Job One by John McDougall

Vista with Robert V. Gortner, Wade Russell ‘86

Pages from History with Wesley Robinson ’50, Taylor University Historian

Taylor Club

Alumni Spotlight with Paul E. Nussbaum ’74

Alumni Notes by Betty Freese, Class Notes Editor

Campus Calendar

Collage Double Your Dollars (Matching Gift Challenge)

Taylor University Magazine (Spring 1988)
